<p>@monstor did you take the psats wednesdsay or saturday?</p>
<p>^ Saturday.</p>
<p>^k. good because i had no idea what math problem you were talking about, which made me really worried! but i took it on wednesday, so i feel somewhat relieved…</p>
<p>Dear Pi Face, </p>
<p>You have no idea---- I’m totally empathizing with you right now. </p>
<p>I don’t know why but I always manage to skip over the word “NOT” in a math problem
<p>Obviously PSAT—no biggie but the fact that I can’t even get the question straight in my head is quite disappointing.</p>
<p>I’m 98% sure I got above a 63 in both CR (if anything I lost points on the sentence completions) and Writing. I feel like I’ll be lucky if I get a 55 in math lol.
Also, for fun, what did you guys put for your major? I put English LOL</p>
<p>^ Economics. Though I haven’t the slightest clue in reality!</p>
<p>Molecular Biology. :)</p>
<p>humanities =D</p>
<p>get ready for a junkload of college spam guys!! haha</p>
<p>Mathematics! haha</p>
<p>Will the scores for the Oct '09 PSAT’s come out in app 2 months? I think that’s about how long it took after my D took the test as a sophomore last Oct. Once students see their scores, can’t they pretty much determine whether or not they’re likely to be a NMSF? I’m confused because I know juniors who took the test last Oct. found out recently about their NMSF status, yet it’s now a year later. </p>
<p>Why the big delay between receipt of the score results and determination of the NMSF?</p>