Itt: We rage about making careless errors on the psat!!!



<p>Damn, I felt so good after the test. Then I go on CC and I feel like part of me just died.</p>

<p>Lol, really a new thread just for raging?</p>

<p>Yeah, CC usually has that effect.</p>

<p>Yup. I also get this feeling after reading too many CHANCE ME FOR HYPSM!!! threads</p>

<p>Totally in the same boat as you. I read the Harvard acceptance thread and see people with perfect SAT scores get waitlisted and I’m just like ■■■ ■■■ ■■■.</p>

<p>Hi guys,</p>

<p>Try not to beat yourselves up over the test.</p>

<p>You do NOT need a perfect PSAT score to have a good life, get into a good college, have a good job, or feel good about yourself. </p>

<p>You aren’t going to know your results for some time yet, so speculating and obsessing is a waste of time.</p>

<p>You did your best, the test is over. Give yourself a big pat on the back for enduring the thing and move on. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>^I seriously wish I could feel that way. I was so sure I did well, and if I took it again i guaranteed I would have gotten 230+. I knew how to solve every single math problem, but I misread 2 of them. And the PSAT curves are HARSH. 2 wrong is like a 72 or something. My state’s cutoff is 222. This is gonna suck…</p>

<p>Why are you mad? Doing bad on the SAT is the equivalent of not being able to lick your elbow…</p>

<p>For the semifinalist recognitoin and summer programs…</p>

<p>****. So mad right now. It’s not like the SATs where you can at least take them again…
Ruined my one chance. What’s even worse is that I think I scored higher in math last year as a sophomore.</p>

<p>no, curve last year was 1 on both MATH AND cr
so there will be a slight curve.</p>

<p>Me too!!! I made so many careless errors! I’m trying to stop freaking out, but I’m so mad at myself! But does it even really count for anything? I’m kind of confused as to what it even means to be a national merit scholar.</p>

<p>x^n = 64. I got 2^6, 4^3, and 8^2. And of course, OF FREAKING COURSE, I forgot 64^1.</p>

<p>Why is the math curve so harsh? My practice booklet said a -1 was 75. Like, Collegeboard…What the hell are you thinking? :P</p>

<p>Rage is not a verb. This may be why you did poorly.</p>

<p>@cjgone: Licking one’s elbow is generally not a prerequisite for full-ride scholarships.</p>

<p>I’m feeling semi-awful…</p>

<p>monstor, what was that question exactly? Did N have to be positive? Did n have to be an integer? 10^1.80618 fits that question. 4096^(1/2) fits that question.</p>

<p>n had to be positive and an integer</p>

<p>Well, I totally f-ed math up. At least I’m pretty sure I got above a 70 in CR and Writing, though. And at least I’m a sophomore, so this test doesn’t matter at all lol.</p>

<p>Wait…so if you are a sophomore (like I am), this really doesn’t matter at all?!?</p>

<p>^ righty-o. Frankly, it doesn’t matter for juniors either except for the Nat’l Merit thing.</p>

<p>Ok…can relax now…
but still, I feel that I did badly after reading all the posts on the “PSAT” threads…ughhhh</p>