<p>mine is simple im an arrogant, self-absorbed, spoiled upper middle class teenager who feels compelled to belittle others by flaunting his academic achievements. i take joy in other peoples' pain, anguish, and jealousy. i feel the need to constantly be validated by others and am superficial, judging people based on appearance rather than intrinsic merit.</p>
<p>My friend gave me the nickname “Millan” back in 5th grade and my initials are CAD. I’ve been using it for a long time so it has over 900 google results. But some are things that I definitely didn’t join.</p>
<p>Some random username that I came up with in 5 seconds…I feel like changing it, considering how lame it sounds…lol. dukebound= wanna go to duke?lol. 11= hs grad year</p>
<p>and yea. I completely made up my nickname. It took me a while to make a completely unique one, but I did. I started using it for gaming. but now that I don’t game, I just use it everywhere lol.</p>