<p>Hey everyone! So it's scheduling time at my school. I have a pretty packed schedule this year, and have a HUGE question. I don't know whether it is better to take a study hall or continue on with newspaper. Here's my schedule:</p>
<p>AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Statistics
AP American Literature
Honors Pre-Calculus/ Trigonometry
Latin 3
<p>I like newspaper, and am good at it, but am afraid that I won't have time for anything with the classes that I am going to take (four APs, one honors, and Latin). Does it look bad on your transcript/ to colleges taking a study hall?</p>
<p>Mind you, I want to apply to quite a few "reach colleges" in the hopes of getting in.</p>
<p>Hi Mk, </p>
<p>Before I can give you any advice, I need to know how rigorous your AP classes are. I know, AP, very tough. But some schools are very lenient on their AP programs, letting students take a lot without overloading them with a lot of work. In my school, we could only take certain amount of AP classes because we covered the content in greater depth. </p>
<p>SO, if your schools AP programs are not all too rigorous, I suggest taking newspaper. If they are tough classes that assign lots of work, then take study hall. It won’t look bad on your transcript at all. </p>
<p>But if you do take study hall, maybe you could join a community newspaper club or take classes at the local college over the weekend? Just get involved with what you love so the AP’s don’t overburden you. :D</p>
<p>Hope this helps, good luck!!</p>
<p>I don’t think that colleges would really mind you taking study hall if you’re balancing out with so many APs so, I would go for it if you feel like you really need to.</p>
<p>BUT, at the same time having an elective that you really like (even though I know Journalism is a lot of work.) would help make the year go by faster instead of everything being work, work, work. I know some people who took 3-4 APs and honors classes, (one of them even took Latin 3. It was online though. They didn’t have actual classroom time but, they had a designated time to do stuff) and they ended up having to stay after school until 9PM sometimes just to get journalism stuff done.</p>
<p>It’s really up to what you think you’re prepared to handle. :)</p>
<p>Keeping newspaper might be the only thing that keeps you sane. The 90 or so minutes for study hall will do nothing for you(unless it falls before certain classes you need extra time to get extra work done).</p>
<p>If you listed your schedule the way it falls out time-wise and your last period is study hall or Newspaper then definitely choose newspaper.</p>
<p>@MaskedJ: The AP classes at my school are rigorous and are definitely not the do-the-homework-ten-minutes-before-class-starts type of classes.</p>
<p>@DowneasterDad: I have no idea what my actual schedule will be, I just listed the classes in a random order.</p>
<p>One question, how intense is your journalism class? Are you putting out papers and doing online stuff? Are there a lot of people so there isn’t as much of a workload?</p>
<p>I should of asked that at first, it may be important. The person I mentioned before had similar classes to you but, she was also an editor and the paper had about 30 people on it and they would put out a paper monthly (sometimes XP) and do online stuff as well.</p>
<p>@AllyJay: I would say our newspaper class was pretty intensive: I came up with stories, wrote stories, took photographs, edited everything, posted content online, etc. We also had to stay after school three days out of every month to put finishing touches on the paper; most of the time, we stayed until well past 6 or 7. This isn’t counting all the time spent locating sources, interviewing people, taking photographs, etc. So yes, I would say that our newspaper class was intense.</p>
<p>Just do newspaper if you like it. It’s your senior year, why should you enjoy it?
<p>Just kidding. I’m kind of in the same boat as you, but my dilemma is whether or not I should take so many classes, and not which one should I take. Honestly though, your schedule seems pretty rough with or without newspaper – I would say take the class if you enjoy it, and don’t worry about the extra workload. As long as you are good at managing your time and stay on top of things, I think you can do it. This past semester I had class straight from 8-5 with an hour for lunch, and then from 5:30-midnight I would do homework. I did this every MWTh. Yes it was extremely stressful, but I would do it over again.</p>