<p>ok after eliminating top schools( u of michgan, u of florida, boston u, northeastern, usf, and many more) its come down to st.marys college of california and pepperdine university.</p>
<p>pepperdine is more prestigous but has a lot more rules and is more conservative than st.marys.</p>
<p>i dont know which school to pick, please help me out</p>
<p>Pepperdine is probably more widely known than St. Mary's, which by the way, kind of matters in the job market. but it also depends on what you want to do.</p>
<p>im not a fan of big public schools. I perfer schools with small classes in quiet enviorments. plus im a cali residents so u of michigan will cost just as much as pepperdine.</p>
<p>Wow, if you're hoping for a top law school I'd bite the bullet and go to Michigan. That admit a lot of their own grads to their top law school. I think you'd have to do amazingly well at St. Mary's for a top law school. Don't they take like 90 something % of admits? Pepperdine before St Mary's but I'd go to Mich if I were ambitious.</p>
<p>^ im not goin back to bring any other schools into my decision. ive already thought this through. its just pdine or st.mays. i see u said pdine. thanks</p>
<p>Yeah, I don't see why Michigan is such a bad choice. I mean, sure, it's large, but it's 10x better than St. Mary's and 5x better than Pepperdine. If you truly want a good shot at top law schools, UMichigan is the easiest route. Going from Pepperdine to a top ivy is rare.</p>