I was told that it is only possible to be accepted by one ivy league school. For example, if you applied to 4 ivy league schools, you would only get accepted to 1 of the 4. I heard this from a friend and he was talking about a graduate who got accepted to Harvard but not Princeton. Is this true? Has anyone ever been accepted by more than 1 ivy league?
<p>Completely false.</p>
<p>I have seen multiple acceptances to ivy league school. S's school counselor also attests to these multiple acceptances. Some kids do enjoy an embarrassment of riches.</p>
<p>My bro got into Dartmouth and Brown. So false.</p>
<p>Student in Ivy class of '08 applied to HYPDP, one EA and the rest RD, and was accepted by all 5.</p>
<p>Rubbish rumor!</p>
<p>This applies to Oxford and Cambridge, but not the Ivies.</p>
<p>Sure would be a great idea - take all the guesswork out of things. Sadly, no. In fact, they were sued in the 90s for an anti-trust violation when they tried to "coordinate" financial aid offers, and had to agree to refrain from doing so. And there was a scandal a couple of years ago when the admissions office at Princeton hacked into Yale's admissions computer. If they coordinated information and acceptances, that would be really silly, wouldn't it?</p>