Ivy League?

<p>Hi! I'm going to be a senior in the fall, and I was wondering if i had a shot at Cornell or Columbia.
I took the SATs 3 times, and my superscore is a 2210. (By themselves, my scores were 2080, 2010, and 2010 though.)
I have a 5 in AP US, 5 AP Gov., 4 AP Comp., 4 AP English, and 4 AP Bio.
I got a 760 on my US History Subject Test.
I'm going to be President of Amnesty International, and secretary of Speech and Debate, and secretary of the Indian Youth Committee. I'm also in National Honor Society, Interact Club, and Math League. I've run cross country for 3 years.
I play the violin, and also got into All State Orchestra.
I am top 10th in my class, but my rank isn't so good :/
I have a 4.0 GPA.
so my rank and SAT scores aren't so good, but does it count that my superscore is good?
thanks! I'm so scared about colleges, and i need some guidance on where to apply :)</p>

<p>What are you interested in studying? Do you have any size preferences? Or geographic preferences?</p>

<p>I’m interested in studying law or going on to International relations. I would prefer the northeast :slight_smile: and a medium to larger school</p>