ivy leagues that accept transfers?

<p>can anyone list down ivy leagues that accept transfer students? I know a lot of them don't...</p>

<p>I met a sophomore student that had transferred this year to Brown when I was visiting. She had originally started at Purdue as a freshman.</p>

<p>All except H and P.</p>

<p>Next time, how about you do an ounce of research before asking a question you could have found the answer to with two minutes of searching? I doubt anyone that lazy has any shot at an ivy.</p>

<p>I’ve seen this question way too much. Total agreement with hermanns.</p>

<p>Please don’t call Ivy League Institutions “Ivy Leagues”.</p>

<p>christ this kid doesnt know what hes up against</p>

<p>harvard isn’t exactly foaming at the mouth for cc kids either my frang</p>

<p>All the Ivy League school but Princeton and Harvard accept transfers.</p>