Ivy undergrad education worth the debt?

<p>So I got into my #1 school, and got a decent finaid package. By decent I mean it's do-able and my paarents would support me, but we didn't exactly jump up and down. We might end up with 20k-ish in loans to pay back. Is the investment worth it? Or should I just accept a full-ride at a bleh university with a sigh? Consider I want to go to grad school.</p>

<p>20kish over four years? That’s quite manageable, and probably worth it if you love the school. Congratulations!</p>

<p>$20K in total debt? That’s average for all students and an amazing bargain for an ivy education.</p>

<p>Yeah!- 20k over 4 years is reasonable, avg, and worth it especially for ivy…but 20k a year may be something to reconsider…</p>

<p>yeah, i did mean over four years. thank you so much for the input. as a hs senior, its hard for me to assess what will or will not seem like a lot of money for me in a few years.</p>

<p>20k is nothing for an ivy undergrad. nothing. unless its cornell ;-)</p>

<p>I agree with the others. Here’s a few calculators if you want to work it out for yourself:</p>

<p>[Debt</a> / salary wizard](<a href=“http://mappingyourfuture.org/paying/debtwizard/]Debt”>Resources - Mapping Your Future) – According to this one, you’ll be fine with a salary of at least $34K.</p>

<p>[CSUMentor</a> - Financial Aid - SLOPE Calculator](<a href=“Cal State Apply | CSU”>Cal State Apply | CSU)</p>

<p>haha - it’s not cornell.</p>

<p>I am totally taking advantage of the discounted rates at Cornell’s NY Colleges ;)</p>

<p>And I think that it is worth it.</p>

<p>I’m going to be 20k in debt after four years at an Ivy and I don’t regret it for a second. The only people who may be happier than I am about my decision are my parents, who after going through the whole process with me and having experienced quite a bit of what my school has had to offer me firmly believe that I could not have done what I’ve done these last four years without Brown.</p>

<p>I agree with them, but considering that it has been a financial strain it’s unbelievable that my parents are as converted and sure about my decision as I have been.</p>

<p>In my experience, aid makes things possible, not easy or a joy. And I’m ok with that-- by definition that’s what aid is supposed to do. 20k in government subsidized low/no interest loans is nothing for what I have gotten the last four years.</p>

<p>Probably the best $20K you’ll ever spend. Congratulations!</p>