Jackie Robinson Scholarship 2010

<p>im a finalist:) just got an email asking for a skype or telephone interview!</p>

<p>Does anyone know how the process works? Based on the link below, it looks like scholars are selected by region after interviews with a committee. </p>

<p>Does anyone know?</p>

<p>[The</a> Jackie Robinson Foundation](<a href=“http://www.jackierobinson.org/about/support-network.php]The”>http://www.jackierobinson.org/about/support-network.php)</p>

<p>I am wondering myself b/c fastfurious was asked to set a time…but I was called without warning on Saturday and it was not a grueling interview-- just a “hello” a few questions about your school choice and financial package. Now I wonder if I’m actually a finalist?</p>

<p>The person who emailed me and called was the NE regional scholarship chair.</p>

<p>What about you?</p>

<p>I think they send the emails/conduct the interviews in waves. I am sure you will hear soon!</p>

<p>that’s good to know. it’s coming down to the wire now.</p>

<p>So did anyone else hear from the Northeast?</p>

<p>Did you get a random call, an email invite, what was the process…</p>

<p>I’ve been checking email for days-- nothing since last week’s email and then phone call…which really wasn’t an “interview”…</p>

<p>BTW-- Anyone hear anything from BAM Scholarship?</p>

<p>Got a phone call from the midwest regional office. Interview on Friday. Excited :)</p>

<p>@ Mimic, lastforlife and West and fast…</p>

<p>Did you guys also get the initial email I received which asked about the details of your financial aid package?
Am I the only one who got that one?</p>

<p>Any of you Northeast? If not, that would confirm that each region is handling things differently…but if you’re also NE…then I’d conclude that since I didn’t get the call for an interview, my brief call was probably not anything special and I’m out of the running…</p>

<p>Anyone here about the BAM scholarship from Microsoft?</p>

<p>Speculation is so dangerous- drives you crazy!</p>

<p>No, my son did not receive the initial email but to be clear he has not been contacted at all by the folks at JRF. I was piecing together info from posts in prior years.</p>

<p>My son is in the Central Region, has anyone in the Central Region received a telephone call or email for an initial interview?</p>

<p>Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.</p>

<p>@senioritusyep I didn’t get any emails. Just a call on Monday, May 17.</p>

<p>@West2010 The woman I talked to identified herself as being from the Midwestern Committee, but from the JRF website, I guess I am in the Central Region(Illinois). I got my call on Monday and had my interview yesterday, May 21…</p>

<p>Hope this helps.</p>

<p>Did anyone have questions on their financial aid package? </p>

<p>Anyone else from Northeast?</p>

<p>I’ve had no additional follow ups…but I guess the final announcement is out in two weeks…</p>

<p>mimicryinc, did they tell you when you will hear back from them…next steps?</p>

<p>Anyone from the Midwest hear anything yet?</p>

<p>I got a call a week ago. My interview is tomorrow. From Texas (Southwestern Regional Selection Committee)</p>

<p>Do all semi finalists receive an interview?</p>


<p>I’m curious about that too…seems this process is dragging along…</p>

<p>we will hear official results by June 15…the wait is so nagging</p>

<p>Howdy everyone! I’m a semi-finalist from Bryan, Texas and I just had my scholarship interview on the 29th down in Houston. I was told I would know the decisions on June 1st. I felt really good about the interview though. Good luck to you guys.</p>

<p>Reading through the threads I see that everyone seems to have received an interview, phone call, or something during this process. So is it my assumption that if I have not heard anything by now I am not a finalist for the scholarship? Can anyone reply.</p>

<p>If you advanced to semi-finalist, you should have received a phone call or e-mail about an interview by now. Best of luck!</p>

<p>Thank you for your response…I pray everything works out and you get the scholarship. What college will you be attending?</p>