Jacobs For Fall 2023?

Did anyone apply to Jacobs School of Music for Fall 2023?

Prescreen was sent in on November 30th. IU said academic app not complete and we had to email them to acknowledge that it was complete.

IU then said they couldnt process application because JSOM app was not complete. Again we emailed them to say yes, in fact it had been complete.

JSOM then emails back, “We see all applications are complete. Our viola instructors will be reviewing video and emailing out February 2023.”

We email back again, my son applied for Voice B.M. Baritone/Bass is listed as primary instrument. And a prescreen was required and he has not heard back anything.

Super frustrating. He just wants to know if he passed the prescreen.

@2plustrio Goodness. That is frustrating! I hope your son has heard by now.

S23 also submitted the prescreen to Jacobs on November 30. Nothing like waiting until the last minute, lol. He heard back in just a few days, but he is applying to a different department within Jacobs. He and I are flying into IND from different cities tomorrow for his audition on Friday. Fingers crossed that there are no glitches in flying tomorrow, like there were today.

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Luckily, there were no travel glitches in getting to and from Indiana. It started to snow while we were there, so we left after the audition and info session. We had intended to eat lunch on campus, but I didn’t want to get stuck with the snow. It’s about an hour from campus to the airport.

S23 also experienced an administrative glitch with his application. Jacobs sent him an email the day after auditions encouraging him to reach out to Indiana admissions to get an update on his university application. He had already been admitted 6 weeks earlier! Once S23 was able to contact Jacobs and let him know that he was already admitted to Indiana, Jacobs admitted him the next day!

I’m so excited! It sounds like a great program. I’m traveling, so I haven’t been able to talk to S23 about it yet. This makes 2 excellent admissions so far. Fingers crossed for financial aid. We’re out of state, so no financial aid would make it quite expensive.

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