Jacobs University Bremen Decisions!

<p>I just got mine 30 minutes ago! :)</p>

<p>Did you get scholarship?</p>

<p>I only got 5,000, which isn’t enough at all. I’m bummed. Did you?</p>

didnt you apply for financial aid/grants?what about the loan?</p>

<p>I too got accepted but no information about the aid.</p>

<p>Same here… gonna wait for the financial aid package…</p>

<p>Anyone knows when we should get Round II decisions?</p>

<p>^ Beginning of April is what they said when I asked them!!</p>

<p>Dear X,</p>

<p>This is to inform you that the admissions decisions will be sent around April 15th.</p>

<p>Thank you very much for your patience.</p>

<p>Best regards,</p>

<p>The Undergraduate Admissions Team</p>

<p>Jacobs University Bremen</p>

<p>Is there anyone who applied for Round 3? When will the results be out for Round 3? I’m kind of worried because I’m a student living in Singapore and it takes around 6-8 weeks here to obtain a student visa.</p>

<p>Do any admitted applicants from China receive the China Scholarship?</p>

<p>April 15th is the II round notification date guys… I called the admissions office.</p>


<p>Accepted!! </p>

<p>When will scholarship and FA package come? Any ideas??</p>

<p>1-2 weeks maximum
I’m excited!!!</p>

<p>Can’t wait for fall</p>

<p>Hey everyone! I’m a high school sophmore in the United States, who’s looking at possible future colleges/universities. I was really interested in the idea of going to school in Europe and after browsing around for a bit I stumbled onto JUB. It REALLY intrigues me. I absolutely love the idea of going to school in Germany and going to such a diverse school. Plus I love math and physics. I was wondering if any of you could give me some advice on the years to come, as it seems many of you were just accepted (congrats!). I’m enrolled in the international bacceloriout program, have an average 3.8 GPA and am preparing to take my first PSAT, and enrolled in several high school extra curricular activities (mainly sports). Am I on track to getting in at this point? As I said I only recently discovered JUB and know little about it besides what I’ve read on this thread and on the website. I realize I am a few years out from going to college but am just trying to get an idea, thanks :)</p>


<p>hey) I think you’ll do just fine. Your GPA is high and you’ll need SAT in 1800-2000 range. You have to show that you are seeking to living in international and diverse community and possess talents and personal qualities beyond high school.
I’d say getting in is not easy but it’s not difficult either.
Definitely give it a shot!
I literally LOVE Jacobs and can’t wait for fall</p>

<p>@Bluecholeric Thanks, it’s good to hear some reassurance. I would love to keep in touch with you or anyone attending Jacobs and hear about how your liking it! What are you majoring in? And could you please explain to me why it seems you only need to go there for 3 years to get your undergrad? Most of the time it’s 4 years isn’t it? (Sorry for being pretty clueless, but it’s why I’m here)</p>

<p>Spasmann, in Europe it takes 3 years to receive a bachelor’s degree :)</p>


<p>Yup, just as Prostozina said Bachelor’s degree in Europe takes 3 years because it’s more intensive with more classes per semester.
I’d love to keep in touch with you if I attend and there’s like 95% chance that I will.
I’ll send you my name in PM so that you can add me on Facebook or something.
I’m planning on majoring in Neuroscience & Cognitive Psychology
but i’m not 100% sure yet cause Integrated environmental studies and biotech seem really appealing.
You can take classes for a semester and declare major in the second semester :slight_smile:
I’m also intending to take French and study abroad in Paris in my senior year.

<p>What is the deadline for paying enrollment deposit for round 2 students?</p>