Jacobs University Bremen Decisions!

<p>Anyone here is applying or have applied here?</p>

<p>I got my decision 2 days ago. I got accepted. Major: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.</p>

<p>You can also post your decisions/ questions here.</p>

<p>One student from Nepal got accepted. Where are you from?</p>

<p>^^ India. Did you apply?</p>

<p>I got accepted too on the 20th for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. I’m from Pakistan.</p>

<p>No. I did not. I just wanted to add some more info. According to the recent info, 4 from Nepal have been accepted.</p>

<p>I got €6,000 merit aid for each year. What about you guys?</p>

<p>I got €22,500 per annum (full scholarship) :slight_smile: i’m so happy and relieved</p>

<p>^^ Great! Whats is your stat?</p>

<p>i got a 12000 Euro per year. Rest i guess will be grant + loan. They will cover the full direct expense i guess… isn’t it?</p>

<p>Copying and pasting from another thread: </p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>


<li>SAT I (breakdown): 2260 (670 CR, 800 M, 790 W)</li>
<li>ACT: N/A</li>
<li>SAT II: 800 Chemistry, 800 Math Level 2, 770 Physics</li>
<li>Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0</li>
<li>Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 1/495</li>
<li>AP (place score in parenthesis): N/A</li>
<li>IB (place score in parenthesis): N/A</li>
<li>Other: 11A’s in O Level, 6A’s 1B in AS Level</li>
<li>Senior Year Course Load: A Level Further Mathematics, A Level Biology, A Level Chemistry, A Level Physics, A Level Economics, English, Philosophy</li>
<li>Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): CIE High Achiever Awards: Top in World in O Level Mathematics (Syllabus D), Top in World in O Level Additional Mathematics, Top in Region in O Level Statistics, Best 7 and 8 O Levels in Region, Selected for NMTC (Pakistani equivalent of USAMO) 2 times, National Spelling Bee Champion</li>


<li>Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Math Club (president), Rubik’s Cube Club (founder and president), Help Society (president), Tutoring Service for Math and Science, International Student Help Site (Moderator of the Month), Chess Club (president), Soccer Team (goalkeeper), Swimming Team (founder and captain), Track Team (founder and captain), Table Tennis Team (captain), Student Council (class proctor), Quiz Bowl Team (captain)</li>
<li>Job/Work Experience: Internship at an eye hospital and setting up free eye camps for people of northern areas of Pakistan, Internship at a bank, Working at an ice cream parlor</li>
<li>Volunteer/Community service: Building and Painting Houses in New Orleans, Cooking for homeless in Soup Kitchens in New Orleans, Organizing various fund raising events for Pakistan Flood Victims, Tutoring an Autistic child, Organizing a Cleanliness Drive in neighborhood, Volunteer Teaching in Orphanage</li>
<li>Summer Activities: Stanford University EPGY Quantum Mechanics, Research Paper on Math Problem, Internships and Community Service as described above</li>
<li>Essays: I thought they stood out and everyone who read them loved them for their unique perspective.</li>
<li>Teacher Recommendation: One from math teacher who said that he hadn’t taught a student as talented as me in 20 years of his career, other from English teacher which was a bit generic, but sincere.</li>
<li>Counselor Rec: In her own words, ‘one of the best she ever wrote’.</li>
<li>Additional Rec: None</li>
<li>Interview: None</li>


<li>Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes</li>
<li>Intended Major: Electrical Engineering</li>
<li>State (if domestic applicant): N/A</li>
<li>Country (if international applicant): Pakistan</li>
<li>School Type: Private</li>
<li>Ethnicity: Pakistani</li>
<li>Gender: Male</li>
<li>Income Bracket: $3000</li>
<li>Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): None really.</li>


<li>Strengths: CIE awards, passion for math</li>
<li>Weaknesses: International Student applying for Financial Aid, bad CR score, extracurriculars a bit lacking</li>
<li>Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: See strengths</li>

<p>General Comments: :D</p>

<p>You have very impressive stats! Jacobs shouldn’t have been too tough for you!</p>

<p>@Ahoy91 Yes, they meet the demonstrated need largely through loans. :)</p>

<p>^Thanks, though I seriously though my CR score would hurt my scholarship chances.</p>

<p>^^600 above in every section is enough for Jacobs. :p</p>

<p>^^ Exactly… But it seems to be a really good university.</p>

<p>Anyone else accepted here?</p>

<p>I’m in Round II Admission & I’m applying for Biotechnology. =)</p>

<p>@doublehotchoco Do you mind sharing your stats?</p>

<p>Got in for electrical engineering with merit aid.Now conflicted whether to attend my US college or Jacobs…I love Europe and I love jacobs!Has anyone applied for finaid?the process is so boring and tedious I just cant get it done :P</p>

<p>I got 1650 in SAT Reasoning. I know it’s really a bad score ); I didn’t really know about the test at all before I went to sit for the test & i thought it doesn’t require any preparations which i then figured out i was completely wrong about that.</p>

<p>For my SAT II, I got- Bio:610, Maths2:730, Chem:750</p>

<p>I’m actually doing CIE A Level program now. I got 3As & 1B for my AS.
Chemistry-A 94%
Biology-A 84%
Maths-A 92%
Physics-B 70%</p>

<p>I’m going to sit for A2 in May & I’m taking Chem,Bio&Maths in A2 level exam.</p>

<p>For my O Level (as SPM in Malaysia), I obtained 9As 1B
4 A+(super distinction) in Chemistry,Maths,Additional Maths,History
3 A(high distinction) in English language,Biology,Physics
2 A-(distinction) in Moral education, Chinese language
1 B+(super credit) in Malay language</p>

<p>My IELTS overall band is 7.0 (Listening:8.5, Reading:7.0, Speaking & Writing: 6.5)</p>

<li>I’m afraid my chance of being accepted is at risk since I have a really really bad score in SAT as compared to other applicants. Do you think the same?
Comments & opinion are welcomed.Thank you ;)</li>

<p>@macmill: I have applied for financial aid too…
@double hot choco: If you have written good essays then you have a strong chance.</p>