Jacobs University Bremen Decisions!

<p>Hey everyone! </p>

<p>I just finished applying (round 3… :O). I would have applied earlier, but I was in a situation where I had to travel around 45km in the back of an old yet colorful Peugeot pickup truck with around 22 other individuals in traditional boubous to get internet, so college apps didn’t exactly happen.</p>

<p>I’m not usually the type to stress out, but college has got me tripping in a very real way. My question for you guys is what Jacobs might make of a 26 ACT math score, especially for a girl wanting to study econ/logistics? I have a 32 overall (2100 SAT), and my love of econ and business was sparked by an Argentinian course of Social and Economic Solidarity as well as working with an NGO and seeing development economics firsthand on my gap yah, the Harvard Review of Latin America, my experience with local American politicians, etc. In short, I’m a big nerd with a sort of low score, and in need of scholarship $$$.</p>

<p>Well, what’s done is done. I hope to see you in Germany maybe! Where are my other round 3 people at?</p>

<p>Congratulations to all that have been accepted. I am a current student of Jacobs University myself and if I can as well help in any way, I’m happy to do so.
Since I am a Math major I can say a bit about that, too. GEM and Math are two majors with different foci. but various courses can be taken from either major if you have interest.</p>

<p>Hey guys, I’ve just heard of this university and I’m interested. Can you answer some of the questions for me? Thanks!</p>

<li>How competitive is the admission? Please compare it to US schools if possible. (HYP-level, Cornell-Penn level, NYU level, etc…)</li>

<p>1.1 How about transfer admission?</p>

<li><p>How generous is the financial aid and/or scholarships for international students? If my family can’t cover the tuition at all, will I have a chance of getting at least 80% financial help?</p></li>
<li><p>How’s Bremen? Never heard of it before. Urban or rural?</p></li>
<li><p>Is German crucial to be living around there?</p></li>
<li><p>How big is the school in terms of enrollment + land area?</p></li>
<li><p>How’s the housing compared to US unis?</p></li>

<p>Thanks in advance. :)</p>

<p>hey there! (:</p>

<p>i’m applying rite now so ill be in #3 round!!! submitted my app one month ago</p>

<p>i didnt do too good in school, but i did really good in college this year - i studied for the last 2 semesters back home in the us but i’m applying as a freshie. plus i’m super international, like my dad’s job required him to move a lot so i grew up learning many languages and culture and stuff(:</p>

<p>from what i heard jacobs is rather easy to get in, rite?</p>

<p>can anyone help me, like tell me what my chances r?</p>

<p>thx guuuys!</p>

<p>Hey guys… I have applied to Jacobs in round 3 and I am from a non-EU country. Has anyone in round III have yet got their decisions? </p>

<p>Once, I got an email saying that I will get my decision before the start of July. Isn’t it time now? Pls post if you got decisions. Good luck to all. Good day.</p>

<p>Emm,I got Accepted. Do the acceptance and scholarship details come in the same e-mail?</p>

I don’t know answers to all the questions but here we go:</p>

<p>ad 1)
to my understanding did 30% of all applicants get an acceptance letter last year. We do have some very strong students, but as mentioned before, academics is not the only criterion, in fact often being diverse and having other fantastic attributes can more than substitute for grades and such.</p>

<p>That’s all I can say about competitiveness of getting in, unfortunately they dont provide SAT scores or so - TOEFL iBt has to be >90, though. Transfer I dont know.</p>

<p>ad 2)
What I heard from other intl. students is that most of them are able to finance their studies with little or sometimes no contribution. That is overall the wish of this school - to make it affordable in terms of each students situation. However, oftentimes that financial package comes with a loan that has to be paid back after then end of the three years. In comparison to public schools of course Jacobs is more expensive; considering private american school it is relatively affordable. Many americans studying here appreciate this fact, also due to the fact that you pay tuition for 3 instead of 4 years.</p>

<p>80% covered depends on the case but I would say that the financial offer is one big reason why this school is more attractive in comparison to other private universities.</p>

<p>ad 3)
Bremen is… well coming from a Megacity like Dehli or whereever you surely feel like in a village. :slight_smile: It is a charming medium sized city for german standards. Berlin or Hamburg are quite close by and are a bit more exciting but you can find almost anything here in Bremen as well. Im not from here, so I wont say too much :)</p>

<p>ad 4)
German helps getting around, but for basic needs almost everyone speaks and understands english - off campus. Don’t worry about this aspect. However, I personally would not come to Germany study 3 years and leave afterwards without having learned anything about that language - plus people recognize your effort; can’t hurt to know it :)</p>

<p>ad 5)
[Facts</a> & Figures | School of Engineering & Science](<a href=“http://ses.jacobs-university.de/quick-facts]Facts”>http://ses.jacobs-university.de/quick-facts)</p>

<p>ad 6)
Having studied at Boston University and having seen other dormitories at MIT and such, Id say Jacobs University is quite modern! You pay 11k in the US for Housing and mostly get some rooms in houses built in the 19th century :slight_smile: - no offense, but I dont see where the money goes there :).</p>

<p>Not to be biased, but I’ve seen both sides and I can def say that room and board are excellent for half the price.</p>

<p>please do not hesitate to ask further questions!</p>

<p>@ zubayer, wait for another day or two, if no mails come in you probably did not get any scholarship - sorry to say that, but it’s quite tough to get scholarships in the third round.</p>

<p>good luck to all</p>

<p>^ Thanks so much for your help. I will be applying here this year for sure. :smiley: It’s a bummer though that the place is quite far from Munchen.</p>

<p>Got accepted. Haven’t heard anything of scholarship yet.</p>

<p>Hey everyone. You may want to think twice about Jacobs.</p>

<p>I also went to Jacobs for three semesters (just finished my third) but decided to leave and transfer to a U.S. university. Why? First of all, if you want to do pre-med, you probably won’t want to go the Jacobs route since the classes there are not accredited by AMCAS. This means that you won’t be able to apply for any allopathic medicine program in the U.S. This was my intention and I found out a little too late that I would have to give up on medical school if I stayed there.</p>

<p>I had a terrible experience with many of the students and faculty and especially with the administration. Jacobs has many issues and a lot of corruption within its staff that has caused negative opinions among students other than just me. The atmosphere is very “high school like” socially, so if you’re ready to transition to a more mature social environment sans gossip, this is not the place for you. Everyone is forced to live on-campus so if you ever want to get out, tough luck. One of my friends submitted three medical excuses from three doctors and they still made him stay. Americans especially have a very hard time adjusting here. I can name four American students off the top of my head who are leaving the university this semester, and a few who wish they could leave but can’t for financial reasons.</p>

<p>The academics here in the sciences are really tough. I got mediocre grades at Jacobs but they all transferred over as A’s to the American system after being evaluated by WES. I pulled at least two all nighters per week just to stay afloat and spent over 8 hours in the lab each week, writing several, dozen page long lab reports and cramming for weekly tests. You will not be expected to do this in the US and will still be getting a better education. In the US we only take 3-4 classes per semester, but at Jacobs you will be taking 6-8. </p>

<p>I was bullied by some students and nastly rumors were spread about me. The rumors were started by people who I NEVER EVEN TALKED TO. I was diagnosed with clinical depression for the first time in my life and became sick at least 4 times per semester. I feel like if i don’t warn people about this place I will not be doing my job as a decent person. But then again, you could be happy there, especially if you are going into the liberal arts, but I have heard that most of the professors in that dept. are terrible as well. One of my own profesors called me into his office to tell me that the reason I failed his midterm was due to my nationality.</p>

<p>I know that some Jacobians on here are going to bash what I posted, but I won’t be able to see it because I won’t check responses to this post. The truth is that Jacobs ranks 96th in Germany and in the 2000’s internationally. Many people are happy there, but I will tell you, some are also really not. There are some good professors, but the majority leave something to be desired. You will work your butt off for less recognition that you could be getting way easier at a public US, UK or German institution. I am so glad I am going back to a university in my home country, which is actually more “international” than Jacobs is. It got so bad with the bullying that I had to contact my Embassy in Germany.</p>

<p>Recently there was even an article in the Bremen paper published about Jacobs from a student who had a similar experience. It caused a huge controversey because people were very offended but most of what was said was true. And this is coming from someone who speaks fluent German and has lived in Germany before–Jacobs is not “Germany.” In fact most people I know didn’t learn more than a few words of German while here and only leave the tiny campus for necessities (going to the post office or doctor). And God forbid if you’re not one of the wealthy Germans on on the rowing team, you’re really just one of the more inferiors here socially. Want to know what boarding school is like? Come to Jacobs.</p>

<p>Just please, PLEASE think twice. If you have any other options, exhaust them before trying Jacobs.</p>

<p>Caveat Emptor!</p>

<p>^ That’s an interesting point and I’ll take that into consideration. Of course I didn’t expect a lot from a new and relatively low ranked school, but that’s pretty shocking. The existence of such outright bullying is a proof that the student body is very immature.</p>

<p>But then I’m sure there always are at least a few students in every colleges who have terrible experiences and decide to transfer out. (even Harvard has students like those) So I won’t really judge the entire school based on your voice. However, Jacobs will still remain to be one of my last choices.</p>

<p>Wow, Caveat Emptor. Not only most of your opinions cast a incorrect Jacobs image, but the facts that you give to back up your arguments are mostly false (except the AMCAS thingy, where you might be right, you seemed to start losing control towards the end of your post). </p>

<p>Corruption in staff? Do you have spies on the inside? Or are you just making this up? Probably, its the latter. I have never heard of any such thing. Atmosphere “high school” like. Its a small campus, so maybe that’s why you got that impression. I never felt like that. Either way, its just your opinion. And no one is “forced” to live on-campus. There is always an option of living off-campus. People just prefer to live on-campus as its more convenient and more fun. I don’t understand what your problem with that. You can say Jacobs has its own “style”. Which brings us to next point. The article that was heavily criticized, but is “actually true”. Have you ever read that article? It was poorly research. It wasn’t just about Jacobs students not going downtown, but a lot of other stuff that turned out to be factually wrong. And when, there are dozens of people criticizing the article (not just from Jacobs), you seem to be the only one who is defending it. Clearly shows that there is something wrong with YOU. I am sorry about your “bullying” experience. I sympathize with you on that. But honestly, it sounds like you exaggerated a lot there. Or are hiding something. Just sayin’. It doesn’t sound Jacobian at all.</p>

<p>Academics are tough. Definitely. You working your a$$ off and still getting mediocre grades only shows how competitive the university is. I am in somewhat better situation. Most of my grades were above 2.0 (out of 5). But, I never pulled an all-nighter. It just how you manage time. And a professor blaming your nationality for your grades. I am calling bluff on that. Sounds like another misinterpreted dialogue. And ranking? Its not properly ranked yet. Some websites still like to put up some ranks. QS World Ranking doesn’t have any university less than 50 years of age in its list. And Jacobs is only 10! In my opinion, teaching is fairly good (it has its ups and downs). Huge room for improvement definitely. But people who have won international olympiads are here. And there people are going to Harvard, Yale, MIT and Facebook, Microsoft and loads of other decent places. But, not all students are good though. Like you. Sorry I had to say that. Unfortunately, you just weren’t good enough for Jacobs. I am being blatant. This is actually a problem in Jacobs. They accept too many people and then the students start complaining. Have you ever given this a thought: a student who was average in his high school is sitting in the same Math class as a student who represented his country in an olympiad. Of course, there’ll be differences. So much more to say, so less time. :/</p>

<p>Some of your quotes.
“Just please, PLEASE think twice. If you have any other options, exhaust them before trying Jacobs.” (Why don’t you just say: Don’t go to Jacobs. Please.)
“I know that some Jacobians on here are going to bash what I posted, but I won’t be able to see it because I won’t check responses to this post.” (Like a crazy b1tch who hangs up her phone after falsely accusing her boyfriend for cheating or whatever.)
“And God forbid if you’re not one of the wealthy Germans on on the rowing team, you’re really just one of the more inferiors here socially. Want to know what boarding school is like? Come to Jacobs.” (This ones my favorite. Makes no sense whatsoever)</p>

<p>Sorry for reviving a zombie thread, but is it actually true you must live on campus?
Are you able to live in an apartment that has no affiliation with the college at all as an undergraduate especially if you are renting one prior to the beginning of the school year?</p>

<p>Does anyone have any idea on how to answer “Something you find interesting…” essay for JUB?</p>

<p>When do decisions come out?!</p>

<p>can’t wait for decisions to be released! =D</p>

<p>Hey did anybody get the acceptance letter?</p>

<p>Not yet… :(</p>

<p>Unbelievably nervous for Jacobs decisions!</p>

<p>They come out tomorrow, yes?</p>