Jacobs University Bremen Decisions!

I got accepted too at Jacobs a few days back!! :slight_smile: However till now they’ve just offered me 5000 euros scholarship for my tuition and fees. They’ve said that they’ll send me my financial aid package soon. Does Jacobs offer international students alot of need based financial aid? I am just hoping to receive aid or else i wont be able to afford it. :’(

@mimishree It does offer enough need based aid for you to attend. It consists of 50% grants and 50% loans.
I was offered 17000 Euro per annum Aid package. I will be most likely be attending Jacobs till fall. :slight_smile:

@ZainSD wow…17000 euro is a really good amount. Congratulations!!! :slight_smile: ill wait and see what the university says… hoping for the best :slight_smile:

You’re on the Jacobs Facebook group, right? @mimishree

@ZainSD haha yahh :slight_smile:

Where are you from? @mimishree

@ZainSD I’m from Nepal… what have you decided to take as your major?


thats nice… Are you a 100% sure that you’ll enroll at Jacobs? I recently submitted my financial aid application so idk till when the university’s gonna send me my package.

I recently heard of this university and I submitted my application last week. I got 1580-1680 on SAT and 6.5 in IELTS. I think my essays are quite good since I putted a lot of effort on them. Do you think I have any chances to be addmitted? I’m applying for financial support as well

I’m 50/50. Either it’s Jacobs or a uni at my home country. Both cost the same so totally depends on me.

I just got in, I’m from Nepal too.
Will probably attend if I get a decent financial aid package.

I also got in and got financial package and have to pay approx. 7000 euros per year.(excluding loan)
anyone who got in with financial aid package?