James Madison

How difficult is it to get into the nursing program Junior year at James Madison?

Not sure of the stats, but I have heard that it is very stressful for pre-nursing majors. They all take the same classes, but classmates are “competition” for the spots in the nursing program. At least in a direct entry program, students can study together:)

Last I heard, about 40% of applying students are denied admission to the JMU nursing school. Admission is largely based on GPA in 3-4 pre-requisite classes.

However, JMU just got funds to expand the program (as did UVA) and they will probably be able to take more students in the future.

If your student definitely wants nursing, I wouldn’t recommend taking the risk at JMU unless your student is in the top 50% of accepted JMU students. (stats-wise). Think over a 1200 SAT and top 25% of their high school class, for example.