Japanese Anime

<p>I'm trying to advise a student (B+ average) who wants to study anime in college. What schools do you recommend, and in what subject should he major?

<p>You and the student should consider schools that 1) have a strong fine arts program (basic drawing techniques are key to anime); 2) have a good Japanese language program (typically students and professors in a Japanese language program understand and are interested in manga's and therefore would offer some additional support; and 3) offer courses in illustration and cartooning.</p>

<p>If you offer some details about SAT's, and what type of school (urban, big v. little, etc.) we can help narrow the field.</p>

<p>He is still a freshman, so we're investigating the kinds of classes he should take to prepare for this specific college program--as well as make him more marketable for college in general. He is extremely bright, and currently has a B+, A- average.</p>

<p>I think Carleton College has a organizaton/program devoted to Japanese Anime...its supposedly pretty big there</p>