Major in Manga/ Anime

<p>well I've always been somewhat obsessed with the whole manga/ anime thing and i was wondering if any schools actually had a major for that. not art schools because I suck at drawing but more like a storyline aspect of it or production aspect of it.</p>

<p>I started wondering because UC Irvine suddenly offered a extension program on the subject.</p>

<p>so yea just wondering if anybody heard of a college actually offering a major like that...</p>

<p>There will not be a major in specifically manga or anime, as this is a genre. I don't believe curricula can get that specific even if a college would approve that as a major. I would look for schools that have majors in animation or animation arts and special effects. Princeton Review's website can help you with that, I know Brigham Young University has a good program in Animation Arts.</p>

<p>i was wondering if there could be any colleges for a major in manga, b-cuz i am obsessed with manga and i love to draw. but that's sad and i think that there could be a lotta classes for something like that. (like drawing different aspects of the body, backgrounds, computer programs for color, drawing animals, et cetera) you could also chose what type of manga you'd like to draw, if you wanted to be an asistant, and more. overall, i think that there should definately be a college for manga b-cuz its a very large "business" and is somewhat profitable for people who enjoy drawing manga. ;-)</p>

<p>xD Same here. =.=; All I know is that I have to go to Japan or Asian countries that have those types of major. >/</p>

<p>"well I've always been somewhat obsessed with the whole manga/ anime thing"</p>

<p>You and half the other applicants.</p>

<p>xD Ha ha I'm the other half applicants. xD =] I love ^_^</p>

<p>you could probably create a major somewhere combining art/graphic design/japanese/east asian studies. something like that</p>

<p>Scatter, Senbonzakura.</p>

<p>^ Not sure what that's supposed to be. I think I've heard that NYU Tish has an animation department.</p>

<p>You have a number of choices.</p>

<p>First, there are animation programs,which come somewhat close to what you want. Top programs are Calarts, Sheridan in Canada, and Ringling School of Art and RIT.</p>

<p>Secondly, you have game design programs as noted in such schools as RIT and WPI, These are very coding oriented.</p>

<p>Thirdly, you have digital media/ new design programs which are a combination of animation and web design. Examples of these are University of Cincinnati, MICA, RIT etc.</p>

<p>Fourth, you have films studies which have some animation in them such as RIT, NYU, USC et al.</p>

<p>wow this is old
I know Savannah College of Art and Design and School Of Visual Arts both have a comic major where A LOT of the kids do manga</p>

<p>It’s so old that the OP should be graduating this year. Why did you bring up this post?</p>