Jersey Boys in Las Vegas

<p>Have any of you seen Jersey Boys at the Palazzo in Las Vegas? I was wondering about the seating. How big is the theatre? Are the mezzanine seats undesirable? I am planning a short trip as a graduation gift for my D, and we want to see the show, but the budget is tight. I normally prefer orchestra seats, but I usually see shows in very large theatres.</p>

<p>musicmom, I checked with a friend who is in another JB cast about the theatre at the Palazzo. He says it’s huge, and he wouldn’t recommend the mezz seats, if you can avoid them, but if it’s a choice between the mezz and not seeing the show, he says go with the mezz! He happened to be there a few weeks ago and sat in row S which he said was actually very good. Will this be your first time seeing JB? If not, you’ll notice that the Vegas production cuts some of the dialogue, but if you haven’t seen it before, you won’t even realize that. :)</p>

<p>Thanks so much. I always swing for the best available seats, but I was just thinking that all seats might be pretty good. This is our first time seeing Jersey Boys (but definitely not first trip to Vegas :smiley: ), but I have heard it is terrific. I have meant to see it on previous trips, but did not plan very well. Now it will be all the more special to see it with my D who appreciates theatre, as opposed to my mom, who walked out on Bette Midler!!!</p>

<p>Just got back from Las Vegas and seeing Jersey Boys. We loved it! The cast was amazing. We were on orchestra level row Z and they were good seats. If you ever go, there is an 8-minute intermission, and they mean 8 minutes (the countdown clock is on the wall). We had several people in our row who were late getting back and had to climb over the rest of us after the 2nd act had started. Same with some late arrivals at the beginning. On a positive note, I am happy to report that our audience successfully resisted the urge to sing along, except for one lady behind us for a few bars of one song. She was about to get the evil eye from my D but she stopped just in time! LOL</p>

<p>musicmom, I have not been able to see Jersey Boys (though my kids have seen it on Broadway) and I’d love to see it. </p>

<p>One of my D’s friends going back 11 years now with whom she was in many shows at theater camp together for many years, plays Bob Gaudio in the Las Vegas cast of Jersey Boys. His name is Erich Bergen. I hope you enjoyed his performance. I have watched him grow as a performer and he was always VERY talented. </p>

<p>He was cast when he was just 21 as Gaudio in the first National Tour but is now in the Las Vegas cast.</p>

<p>He was our favorite!!! No kidding. Both my D and I agreed after the show that all of the guys were fabulous (especially Travis Cloer who played Frankie Valli), but we especially loved Erich.</p>

<p>Hope you liked “Nick Massi” too; he is super talented, a very nice guy on top of that and just had a baby girl :D.</p>

<p>^^mtgrlsmom, that’s a funny coincidence. A very talented actor we know who was Tommy in the LV production, as well as here in Toronto, just had a baby girl last week. His wife was also in JB.</p>

<p>ALL the guys were fabulous! The only weakness was the girls’ trio (The Angels) and they were way off vocally when they sang My Boyfriend’s Back. I think it must have been an off night because the girls played multiple parts and they were great in the other roles. Could have been a sound problem (which otherwise was fantastic), too, because one seemed much louder than the others and did not blend with the other voices. I nitpick, because I doubt the average audience member noticed. It was a great show.</p>

<p>We were there Saturday night, and my daughter thought Gaudio was awesome. All the guys were good to excellent. Rushed over to see Wayne Brady afterwards at the Venetian. Great night of entertainment.</p>

<p>I love Wayne Brady. Will have to go to his show if he is still there next time I go to Vegas.</p>