<p>Is it easier to get into Boston College when you go to a very competitive Jesuit High School?</p>
<p>Do you go to Fairfield Prep?</p>
<p>yeah, I do</p>
<p>I had Jaffe last year...he didnt help my gpa at all</p>
<p>neither did Bernier, for that matter</p>
<p>Heh, I had a feeling you go to Prep...since it's the only Jesuit high school in the area. I go to Prep too by the way.</p>
<p>Oh and yeah...Bernier's class last year was pretty harsh. That's why I'm not taking Latin anymore.</p>
<p>Anyway...I guess we do get sort of a boost, though I'm not really sure. It's just the word on the street heh. I'll probably ask Mr. Hanrahan about that on Monday.</p>
<p>Nope. This is Justin Lucas.</p>
<p>Btw...I asked Hanrahan today about the "bump". He said that it is true because other Jesuit schools know Prep and its curriculum. 16 guys from Prep were accepted to BC last year.</p>
<p>However...he said BC is still a reach/competitive school for me (more towards the reach side). My GPA is pretty good, but too bad my SATs are horrible. 1740 - 640 math, 520 reading, 580 writing. I'm hoping to improve on the October test.</p>
<p>Thats cool, this is Justin Meuse by the way...</p>
<p>Another thing to remember is that LOTS of kids from our school apply to BC, and I don't know what the acceptance ratio is. However, we all know Steele is going to take up a spot with his 2100+ and 4.0. </p>
<p>Oh well, gotta get back to studying for the ****ing bernier test tomorrow.</p>