JMU Early Action for Fall of 2023

I’m glad @GKUnion chimed in, as he has a lot more experience with JMU than I. But aside from the rescue squad connection, my senior S has had a very similar experience as his older S.

My S is very much into social fitness. He has joined the weightlifting club, played intramural basketball and soccer most years, the raquetball team one year, and works at URec.

His description of the kids being down to earth and friendly is spot on. He met his roommates on the floor of his freshmen dorm, and they have all stuck together with no drama. The family of one of his roommate’s housed him last summer (rent free!) while he was an intern. We are beyond grateful.

JMU wasn’t even on our radar when we started the college search, but I am so glad he landed there. He has thrived. It’s been a wonderful experience.

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@GKUnion and @ClassicMom98 - I appreciate your thoughtful replies- thank you. I am looking forward to visiting with my son soon.

Our son got an email today instructing to familiarize yourself with the portal “pssst…decisions will be coming out soon!” I’m guessing that the Thursday date mentioned earlier might indeed be the date.


We received it as well! Fingers crossed for good news!!!


I encourage everyone considering JMU for their children’s education to follow VP of Student Affairs Tim Miller on social media. He is inconceivably engaged with the student body. I have no idea when he sleeps because he is everywhere.


Darn it! My DD did not receive this.

Our letter went to the Junk folder. I have noticed that communications from some colleges go there….so double check the folder!

Unfortunately, not there either. The strange this is, she hasn’t received a single email from JMU since December 6. She didn’t get an email when the EA decisions came out or any other time since. Do you all get emails from them? Did she inadvertently opt out?

We do occasionally receive emails….maybe she did opt out. There are just so many things to answer when applying to colleges!!!

Fingers crossed that today is decision day!


Wish I was feeling better about this! Good luck!

Good luck to everyone awaiting decisions this month.

Decisions are posting!!! My son’s portal was just updated!


Just checked! My DS got accepted and did not get the email yesterday to familiarize yourself with the admissions portal.

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well, the decision is now gone

Ours too….but it posted again

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How stressful!

I don’t believe it. My daughter’s was udated and waitlisted. Stats well beyond what every kid at her school has had in previous years. Yet another safety she didn’t get into. This is the third and last safety she didn’t get into. Fortunately, she got into IU, so at least she has an option, but I just don’t what is going on. She opted not to take Calculus this year, so I’m wondering if that is the issue. Good luck to everyone else!

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This has to be yield protection. If she honestly wants to attend JMU I would suggest she reach out to her local region admissions counselor.

Instate in VA. DS doubled up on Math this year to prep for SAT thinking he would not need a math senior year. Visited the high school counselor’s office last week to discuss senoir year schedule and we were told that he needed to be in Math all 4 years of high school for VT and JMU. The counselor get calls from schools all the time asking why students are not taking math senior year. We are on the semester system and he will have 6 math courses due to this “requirement”.

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