<p>I have been accepted to James Madison and Penn State main. I have been accepted into both for engineering as my major. I have no idea which to chose… Which one? I don’t want any opinions that are influenced by the Scandal because no matter what it is still a good school.</p>

<p>Hi! You are posting this on the Musical Theatre forum, so you may not get many responses. </p>

<p>I happen to teach at JMU and went to PSU for graduate school. Both are great schools, totally different in size, which impacts student experience. I also think that the engineering programs are quite different. JMUs program seems to focus on sustainability, and students do not have a specific area of specialization if I understand it correctly… more integrated engineering instead of one specific area (ie chemical, electrical, mechanical, etc…)</p>

<p>Can you visit each school to see which vibe and program you prefer? Is one IS and the other OOS? Is cost an issue. Make a pros and cons list for each school. This may halp sort through the questions. :slight_smile: Congratulations!</p>