JMU Theater vs Musical Theater

Hello, my child was accepted for the Theater program at JMU, she auditioned for both programs. Anybody here knows which are the main differences and if while she is in the Theater program, will she have a opportunities to participate in Musical productions. Anyone knows what are the chances of transferring during Sophmore year?

Musical Theatre and Theatre students follow a similar curriculum in the Theatre area, with Musical Theatre majors having additional required course work in musical theatre performance, voice, piano, musicianship, and dance. The Theatre and Musical Theatre majors are in acting classes and other theatre classes together.

There are more required credits in the Musical Theatre major (62) than the Theatre major (48). So it can be easier to double major with Theatre.

Students in the Theatre program may audition for musicals and operas (just as Musical Theatre majors can audition for plays), and take dance classes (at least one is required for Theatre majors). There is a voice class specifically for Theatre and Dance majors that can be taken as early as freshman year if space is available, and a section of musical theatre performance that can be taken as early as sophomore year. There are certain musical theatre classes (or specific sections of classes) that are for Musical Theatre majors only, but definately opportunities in certain classes for musical theatre training as a Theatre major.

It is possible to re-audition, and some students choose to, but many choose not to re-audition for Musical Theatre.

Please let me know if you have additional questions.

Dear @KatMT, My son auditioned this past weekend for both Theatre and Musical Theatre. First - we both loved JMU. Everyone we met was warm, welcoming and so helpful. During the Theatre Q and A, we were advised that anyone who really wants to study MT should probably not come as a Theatre major - that it would be frustrating. Would you agree? Also, we were just wondering what this year’s applicant (or last year’s applicant) numbers are like? Thanks so much for any information you might have.

212121–you need to dig around more. Have your son talk to LOTS of students at the school-not just the students they send your way to tell you how great the program is (which is a trap we fell into). I have a kid there–and its a two tier program-the MT favorites and all the others who pay to go to school there.
If you want more info please feel free to email me-I can send you to a few other parents who watch their kids suffer through the MT program.

212121–you need to dig around more. Have your son talk to LOTS of students at the school-not just the students they send your way to tell you how great the program is (which is a trap we fell into). I have a kid there–and its a two tier program-the MT favorites and all the others who pay to go to school there.
There is no feedback for the kids to improve. They fail to help students. If you want more info please feel free to email me-I can send you to a few other parents who watch their kids suffer.

@212121 – sorry I have not yet had a chance to respond until today. I think that it depends on the student and what they are hoping to get out of their time and training.

If a student is 100% “Musical Theatre Major or Bust,” they may not be happy in the Theatre major.

Theatre majors can take voice classes, dance classes, some musical theatre performance classes, and can audition for musicals (and operas). However, the focus of the Theatre curriculum is not Musical Theatre.

The students in the Musical Theatre major have more musical theatre performance, dance, music, and voice in their curriculum, and often have priority in music, musical theatre performance, and dance technique classes. There ARE specific sections of certain musical theatre performance and voice classes for students not in the Musical Theatre major, and there are Theatre majors and Music majors in some Musical Theatre sections of major classes on an auditioned basis.

The students who audition for Musical Theatre and Theatre who come for Theatre and are the happiest are the ones who have a genuine interest in what the Theatre major has to offer… including opportunities in playwriting, devising, directing, dramaturgy, design & technology, in addition to acting and musical theatre performance.

I would be happy to answer any questions you have directly, and put your son in touch with some Theatre students who auditioned for both majors and came for Theatre to share their experiences. The Theatre students I know best are the ones who take advantage of the open door policy we offer to come and talk, ask for feedback, and who are actively involved in multiple aspects of the School of Theatre & Dance.

I agree with @readytoact that it is important to talk to students with amultitude of perspectives. Not all students will get what they want and/or need from all programs.

It makes me sad to hear of students suffering. I can’t speak for my colleagues, but from conversations with them, and hearing conversations with students up and down the hallway, I believe our intent is to give students feedback outside of class when asked, coach outside of classes when asked, and have conversations with students on areas for growth when asked. We want students to come and talk with us, and may need to make sure this is clearer to all students.

I am happy to hear any feedback via email or PM, and to also share it with my colleagues. I also encourage any student who feels like they are not getting the feedback or support they want to reach out.

Thanks to both of you for your thoughtful responses - this is very helpful. @readytoact sorry to hear your student isn’t happy and I appreciate your perspective. @KatMT I will share your insights with my son and we will absolutely reach out with any questions. MT IS his first love, but he also has multiple interests. For now, I think we’ll wait and see how things turn out. I appreciate the straight answers from both of you.