Job/Employment Opportunities?

Is there a database of jobs or some other resource for students to find jobs while enrolled at UChicago?
What kind of jobs do students usually get, how much do they pay, and how much of a time commitment are they?

Chicago Career Connection/Handshake

@biochemnerd123 Are you asking about part time student employment? If so, I don’t know if there is a general database that lists all student employment opportunities. My son is a second year and has worked as a grader (TA) for a class, works in the tutoring center, and will be working in a lab next year. He found out about TA opportunities through the department for his major and the lab job by contacting a professor. The time commitment has not been huge, just a few hours per week for each job, but that was all he wanted. I’m sure that there are more time consuming student jobs as well. As far as pay, that is also variable. The TA job paid a flat rate per quarter based on the number of students enrolled in the section. I believe the tutoring center pays hourly. Not sure about the lab job. Hope this helps.

Here are the jobs I remember one or the other of my kids doing for pay while they were students at UChicago:

Coffee shop barista or manager (6-20 hours/week, depending on # of shifts; hourly pay)
Editorial assistant at University publications office (10 hours/week, mainly editing/producing course catalog; hourly)
Research assistant/interviewer for oral history project (?, short-term job, hourly)
Intern at University magazine (5-40 hours/wk, full time during summer, mainly writing/blogging; salary during summer)
Intern at non-university magazine (more than full time during summer, editing & writing, salary but not that much)
Stagehand, University Theater (10-20 hours/wk, paid for no more than 10 hourly)
Research assistant for faculty member (5-10 hours/wk, hourly)
Lighting/Sound designer, tech (short-term projects, including annual faculty show, ~ $2-300 per show)

I think all the hourly jobs paid a standard University rate, which was $10-something 5+ years ago. I don’t remember what any of the salaried jobs paid.

One roommate worked shifts at the really good French bakery on 55th Street. Yum!