Job outlook

<p>I have had the privilege of meeting Gayle Howell, she is a super person and I am sure that she can assist you and answer all your questions.</p>

<p>Have not heard from Gayle yet.</p>

<p>I got an auto message from Gayle. It looks like she’s out of the office until today.</p>

<p>I got this response just now (Gayle was out of the office until this morning.)</p>

<p>Thank you for your message.* I am pleased to do a little research to answer your question.* Currently, the Career Center database includes 964 companies which recruit engineering majors. * Some are local, however, most are regional or global.* Boeing is a Career Center sponsor and recruits heavily from the U of A.* GE, Microsoft, Apple, Northrop Grumman, <em>and Google, also recruit from us.</em> Additionally, Jacobs Engineering, Michelin, Frito-Lay, Goodyear, and Shaw Industries, among many others, recruit from us.* If you have a particular employer in mind, please let me know.
Kind regards* --* Gayle Howell
Gayle Howell
Senior Career Consultant
Career Center, Engineering Satellite
The University of Alabama
Office:* 205-348-4839
Direct:* 205-348-4838
[Student</a> Affairs | Career Center](<a href=“”>

<p>Those are first rate companies. When she says that GE, Microsoft, etc. “recruit from us”, does that mean they’re on campus seeking candidates and interviewing? Are they also recruiting for internships? Can UA put me in touch with some recent hires at those companies (or pass my name on for to them to contact me)?</p>

<p>Chardo; It would probably be more efficient for you to contact Gayle Howell yourself in case you have any additional concerns or questions. M2CK has provided the contact info above.</p>

<p>More feedback from Gayle…</p>

<p>The Career Center is very active with employers and students and alumni.</p>

<p>Every September and February the Career Center at the U of Alabama hosts an on-campus Career Fair.* The Career Fair is the only thing for which we charge the employers. <em>There is no charge to our students or alumni for any of our services.</em></p>

<p>Employers and job seekers open an account in our database, CrimsonCareers.* </p>

<p>During the rest of the year, employers post internships and full-time opportunities.* Job seekers can see the postings for which they qualify.*</p>

<p>When employers want to come onto campus and interview at times other than the two Career Fairs, the Career Center has a suite of rooms that they can reserve.* When employers want to come on campus to meet with student groups and faculty, the Career Center staff will arrange all that is needed. </p>

<p>The U of A is one of the few school in the country which offers free career services to graduates for life.</p>