<p>This question is primarily directed at those who are either currently attending Cornell, or have graduated.</p>
<p>Did you have a job while you were a student at Cornell? How many hours a week were you able to work? How hard was it to manage (job + studies)?</p>
<p>I held a job for 3 years…worked around 20 hours per week each semester. It was hard at first…but I learned how to manage my time and kept up with my coursework. </p>
<p>Start small when you get here…then work your way up as you learn to effectively manage your time.</p>
<p>Only 20 hours a semester?</p>
<p>20 hours per week is a lot…especially when you factor in class + the outside work associated with it and other non-work extracurricular activities.</p>
<p>Is it me or did you edit that “each week” in there?
sneaky sneaky. Either that or my dyslexia is acting up again.</p>
<p>I edited for clarification :-P</p>
<p>Beginning my freshmen fall, I worked ~7 hours a week at one of the libraries. Starting freshmen spring, I obtained a research gig averaging between 8 and 10 hours a week.</p>
<p>During senior year, I added twenty additional ‘hours’ a week TAing an intro stats course, but the actual work required only amounted to maybe eight hours a week on average.</p>
<p>A campus job is required as part of the financial aid package right?</p>
<p>Qualifying students will have federal work study included as part of their FA package…FWS is attractive to on campus employers because part of your salary is subsidized by the government.</p>
<p>Students who do not qualify for FWS may have an employment earnings expectation…they can still work on campus but some departments may not be able to hire them.</p>
<p>Check your PM dewdrop :).</p>
<p>anyone on campus know of any job openings for next semester? i have tradition and i need to get started on my hrs</p>
<p>oo, i was just going to post a thread on this 
Do you guys think it’ll be possible for a job, research, and 19 credits in one semester?
Im already doing 19 credits and 1 credit research, and its alrite…but im not sure how much a job will change that bc i need tradition hours as well -_-</p>
<p>I think there is a site on the FA website that lets you search for job openings. </p>
<p>did you send another one…I only have one from you</p>
<p>Meh, it was in a different window and I forgot to hit send. Nvm now.
Thanks a bunch, really :D.</p>
<p>Last year I worked 10 hours a week with 20 engineering credits. To be honest it really sucked, but it paid for books and some of my tuition. If you have a light course load I suppose 10 hours a week wouldn’t be bad, but I really would not do it with a tough course load. (If you can afford it, I would not work at all unless it’s something like research; you’re at Cornell, you should focus on your studies.) </p>
<p>You can search for jobs here once you get a NetID:
<a href=“http://studentjobs.seo.cornell.edu/sjp/jobSearch.htm[/url]”>http://studentjobs.seo.cornell.edu/sjp/jobSearch.htm</a></p>
<p>You can start looking and perhaps applying before orientation if you want, but most of the postings seem to come a bit later, maybe during freshman orientation.</p>
<p>10 hours/week is a good amt. to start with as a freshman when you’re adjusting to college life. I worked around 10 hours/week my freshman and sophomore years. By senior year, I knew what I had to do to pull down good grades so I worked 3 part-time jobs and still held a 4.1+ GPA my senior year.</p>
<p>what about off campus jobs. I currently work at a restaurant and it is actually pretty fun. Are the restaurants in ithaca accessible for UGs to work at (as a waiter).</p>
<p>next semester should be interesting. im taking a really easy course load 13 credits, pledging a frat, and working 10ish hrs per week (Whoooopppy)</p>
<p>Work at the Willard Straight ticket office!! I loved working there and got to do homework on the job (it’s work study only though).</p>
<p>Or work in Cornell Dining (Ivy Room). It’s not the most spectacular job but your schedule is extremely flexible and you get FREE meals and a bonus at the end of the semester. If you are interested, I know the student manager and can get you in contact with her. Just PM me.</p>