Johns Hopkins Class of 2027 Official Thread

My S got accepted to BME. He had couple of other very good options already, but this was his top choice. So proud of him. Best of luck to everyone!


willing to share Stats? waiting for D23 to get home from school to check. Iā€™m an alum, so hoping yes, but know itā€™s so hard.



Daughter Waitlisted

Rejected. :frowning:

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So happy to hear this, i remeber you said your child got into caltech too?
So you prefer BME to calttech?
Our best wishes.
Please do share the stats

D got accepted with 48K scholarship. Seems ISEF/Research/Publication got her in.
Congrats to all who got in. Best Wishes to everyone!

Can some one please provide pros/cons - Caltech vs Johns Hopkins for a premed interested in Neuroscience? Thanks


It came for all, we got wailisted and we saw it too. I first thought we got in looking at it.

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Did you check the Financial Aid tab? Its there for my D

WOW!!! Hearty Congratulations!

Rejected :confused:

Congrats to everyone who got in !


rejected :frowning:


Congrats to your son @Dad4college! You should be VERY proud of him. They are pretty spoiled. My daughter is a BME student at JHU class of 2025. Please let me know if you have any questions about JHU or the BME program. Welcome to the Nest. :bird:

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@2020BSMD Congrats to your daughter! Welcome to the Nest :bird:

Wow CalTech & JHU. Impressive and two very different schools. Funny my daughter is at JHU (BME Class of 2025) and I used to work at JPLā€¦ which is why I thought of Harvey Mudd for her. I didnā€™t think sheā€™d be a good fit for CalTech. Beautiful location. MUCH better than JHU for sure. Plus we live in N Calif so that would have helped had she stayed here. But sheā€™s loving every moment at JHU. Rigorous, but the students really seem to support one another.

Not sure of the Neuroscience Pgm. but I do know many who are seem to be PreMed. Research is huge. Your student will have ample opportunity! And the funding provided. Iā€™m impressed with the funds avail to students and access to resources and professors.

@Dad4college forgot to mention, while your son has been accepted into the BME Pgm they wonā€™t get accepted into their specialty until Sophomore year (another application/interview process) and it will be for Jr/Sr year. They will rank their 3 choices then have to submit an application and interview with the head of the dept. Itā€™s A LOT :sweat_smile: but according to my daughter. Best decision ever


Thanks @EGHopeful. This helps. Having lived in CA before weather is a factor towards Caltech. Appreciate your input on research & funding.

Thanks @EGHopeful for providing some personal insights. I was wondering whatā€™s your perspective on CalTech and JHU for PreMed: Johns Hopkins vs Caltech (pre-med)

Last Friday started pretty rough for my son with a rejection from JHU. We were wondering maybe he shouldnā€™t have submitted app during the extended app period. The second portal checked was UC San Diego, which he was accepted into his second major, not great, as transferring into engineering is nearly impossible. Then came acceptance at UC Irvine into his first choice major. Finally, accepted by UCLA into his first choice major. We are very happy with him getting into a wonderful in-state option, at a fraction of the cost of private institutions!
Congrats to fellow seniors who gained acceptances at JHU!


Just to clarify, while some Design Teams require applications and interviews, the specialization of Focus Areas within BME does not require either an application or an interview and students can change all the time if they want.

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Interestingā€¦ because my daughter had to apply and meet with the head before she was accepted. Perhaps itā€™s something new? Do you have a student in BME a this time? Not sure why she had to do that if itā€™s NOT required as you say.

Yes. She had to meet with Miller? Maybe we are talking about different things. There are of course things to apply for as at any school. But I donā€™t want anyone to think that Focus Areas are restricted. You can study what you want within BME. Itā€™s not like someone in BME has to get into the Neuro Focus Area.