Johns Hopkins Fall 2023 Transfer

Hi! I thought I should start a thread for transfer applicants. I’m a freshman right now at GW applying as a physics (well technically astrophysics) major. I initially thought I wanted to focus on poli-sci, and when I switched majors and realized GW puts all their money in poli-sci/IR at the expense of STEM / literally every other major, I realized it would be better to transfer. I like the studious environment I’ve heard JHU has, and I’m looking forward to the internship and research opportunities I would have in Baltimore.
I have a 4.0 and all A’s right now. I won’t go into my ECs unless I get in (they are probably better than average, just not HYPSM tier or anything), and I’ll post a comment on May 12 with my decision. Good luck!

Any update?