<p>Does there exist a joint Masters program in Linguistcs + something else or something related? I am just asking to see if there is such an option. I guess kind of like a "second major" in undergrad terms.</p>
<p>I would be coming in with the following:
BA in Linguistics
minor in French
certificate in W. European Studies
minor in Italian (big MAYBE)</p>
<p>I am interested in Masters programs (NOT PhD programs...not interested in teaching) only. I prefer the E. Coast but am considering the Midwest and possibly as far west as Seattle.</p>
<p>I am not terribly interested in Comparative literature or even literature in general...but I am interested in Romance Linguistics, International Relations, Foreign Policy, Hotel and Travel Administration, Translation/Interpretation, and possibly even learning other languages if time and $$ permits! In particular Spanish and Portuguese.</p>
<p>I just want to know if it is possible to persue a joint Masters in something that I am interested in (Linguistics) + something that I can actually use my language skills in other than teaching (like hotel administration or translation or something like that). </p>
<p>ANyone know of any schools that would offer an option like this? Thanks</p>