Journalism Internship GPA dilemma

<p>I'm a Boston University freshman applying for a modest journalism internship. I've already had a good interview and I have plenty of experience. My problem is my transcript. I messed up my first semester of college and my grades are two C+, one B, and one A for a GPA of 2.9. This is far below my usual standard, and this semester I'm on a path to getting all A's. Since the semester isn't over, however, this will not show up on my transcript.</p>

<p>The application process requires that I send in my transcript along with two letters of recommendation. I really want this internship, and I think I have a fairly good shot at getting it. What should I do to maximize my chances? My plan right now is for my two letters of recommendation to come from two professors I have this semester (showing that I'm improving), and to possibly offer some kind of explanation in my cover letter. Any advice?</p>