son got an apt off campus. He wants to buy mattress, bed frame and other furniture for 6/1 since he sublet it to a friend. Does any your kid sell the furniture? Somehow he did not find anyone selling old furniture. It’s weird since seniors are leaving.
Or can you let me know the names of the mattress stores in the area, the cheapest one? I checked Costco, online is very expensive, twin is at least $310, but I bought it ~$150 in store.
Seniors staying in Boston often take their beds with them to their new apartment. Otherwise they tend to sell to the next tenant. DD1 bought a bed at Sleepy’s - they deliver. DD2 is buying the bed from the previous tenants. Check Craig’s list too since there are tons of colleges in Boston and there might be someone from Harvard, MIT or Lasell selling a mattress a few T stops away. The drawback is you have to get it to the apartment which might mean renting a van - another cost. If you buy new from a mattress store they deliver.
Hi Fellow Jumbo Parents!!
I have seen many Facebook pages for parents of current and/or incoming freshmen at different colleges. I have not found one for Tufts parents that is current and wondering if anyone would be interested. I am willing to start one. It would be a place to ask questions, share information, etc.
Any feedback or questions??
Son’s friend said she will get dresser and desk from her friend, but needs to find mover. Anyone can suggest a mover? Only two pieces, so one hour is enough. Thanks!
Now feel hard when kids are far away.
I have a Thanksgiving question. For students flying home… do most professors hold classes on Tuesday? What is a reasonable time to make a flight home? Thanks!
I am glad to see this site showing some activity. I had almost given up that there was a parent group. I’m hoping there are going to be many important questions raised and answered. Our daughter leaves for pre orientation in two days.Her brother goes to the University of Miami where there is an extraordinarily active parent group. Very informative.
We are not the noisiest group, but I think you can get answers to most questions. Pre-Orientation programs are a great way to make friends early.
In terms of Thanksgiving, whether teachers cancel class on Tuesday or not most seem to be understanding that travel plans may cause more absentees that first part of the week. Generally it is easy to catch up on anything missed. my DDs drive home, so I admit I never paid too much attention, but they were always home Tuesday night.
We (the parents for freshman year, D1 thereafter) always waited to book flights until D1 had attended class and had heard from the profs about when they could expect to leave for Thanksgiving. Be prepared for sticker shock.
Also, imho it’s worth it to pay extra to book a direct flight where possible, without a stopover. Holiday air traffic is horrid, and when there’s an extra stopover you’re increasing the chances of a cancelled or delayed flight.
My son did focus last year and loved it. Got to know boston and Cambridge a bit, made friends, got comfortable, and really liked the projects they worked on. It’s a great experience and helps a lot with the transition to college.