<p>How bad does that look on applications?</p>
<p>Aside from that, I've done a small amount of volunteer/community service stuff and I'll be doing a lot more over this summer. I'm a white male. I attend a fairly good but not especially competitive public school in Nashville, TN. I have a weighted GPA of 3.5; I don't know my unweighted GPA. I'm an IB Full Diploma candidate. My SAT scores are CR-630, Math-640, Writing-700, and I'm retaking in the Fall.</p>
<p>I'm interested in Wesleyan, Brown, Vassar, Williams, but based on all of the above, those are looking like huge reaches.</p>
<p>If I get my SAT scores up, will that help compensate for the unremarkable quality of the rest of my application? Or should I drastically rethink where I want to go?</p>