Junior in high school

<p>Currently a junior in high school, and would like to know what should I do to prepare for college? At times I find myself in a urge to start sending out college applications, but may be better fit waiting until 12th grade.</p>

<p>What should a junior in high school do concering universities?
What were you doing?</p>

<p>I've read things like this: 11th</a> Grade College Admissions Guide</p>

<p>You should have a list of 10-20 schools that interest you. Create a spreadsheet with their requirements (tests, application rounds) and list their bad and good qualities. See if you can visit several of them this spring and summer. Also, over the summer, reduce your list by about 50%.</p>

<p>Take both the SAT (March) and the ACT this spring; that gives you plenty of time to retake the one that suits you. Leave May for AP tests and take the SAT IIs in June, if you need them.</p>

<p>Work hard on your GPA and ECs. This is the time to be angling for leadership roles as a senior, so get that school spirit working! If you are thinking of taking a summer course, follow through and get your materials in. Filling out those applications is good practice for college apps.</p>

<p>Talk to your folks about college finances. Fill out a practice financial aid calculator and discuss them again. If you need merit aid, you will need to make that your number one priority.</p>

<p>Okay thanks</p>

<p>What midwesterner said pretty much covered it. Also, start getting together all the qualities that are best for YOU. Forget what colleges are the most popular and are always in the news. Make sure your top choices work best for you. </p>

<p>Look into the tests that are required, but ALSO the ones that are considered. If you already have some idea of a focus for college, see if there’s a SAT Subject Test for it. Make sure you have your credentials in order for when you’re ready to apply.</p>

<p>If you need scholarships, this is the time to start looking. Every cent you can rack up counts and makes it easier on both you and your parents. </p>

<p>I’m a Junior too, and I’ll be taking the SAT for the first time in March, and then looking forward to the Subject Tests in fall. I’m also considering the ACT. I’ve bookmarked the sites for a few scholarships I plan to start working on soon. And I’m planning several college visits for the next few months. </p>

<p>Things will probably a little hectic, at least that’s what I’m anticipating since the Finals and SOLs (the VA standardized tests) and my first AP Exam are quickly approaching. </p>

<p>I say just make sure you’re organized and prepared and don’t stress too much over it. Get things in order before you start doing anything, and then move on from there. =3</p>

<p>VA calls their state tests SOLs? Someone high-up must have a sense of humor…</p>

<p>SOL = Sadly Outta Luck in acronym-internet-speak :)</p>

<p>But for the OP, make sure you maintain amazing grades in the toughest courses avalible to you. AP/Honors/IB, take them and excel, and you will go far.</p>

<p>I’m a junior too, and my goal is too do as many EA apps as possible over the summer before school starts! Minus the recs of course.</p>

<p>Come to think of it though, I doubt I’ll accomplish this goal. It’s worth a shot though.</p>

<p>@book_worm: For me, SOL means something else-outta-luck</p>

<p>Yeah. xD It stands for “Standards of Learning” and they’ve taken over our school system. All my teachers (save for my AP History teacher) ‘teach the test’. It’s sad. They amount to nothing but Finals exemptions.</p>