Junior Yr. Scheduling

Hi guys,

So for junior year, I have the option of taking Physics A and B, so physics is split into two semesters. I originally planned to take AP CompSci the first semester then take Physics A second semester. However, I’m second-guessing and thinking I should just take a full year of Physics. I plan on taking AP Bio senior year as well.

I plan on being humanities major and I think my strong suit is in the histories and my course selections + ECs are strong enough in that regard.

What do you guys think? Thank you!

P.S. I think we will be still at home for the Fall semester, so I think it might be beneficial for your recommendations.

Hello! Im a sophomore but i think i can offer some help.

Our school only does full year classes so I can only talk about my experiences with those APs.
AP Bio (only sophomore this year as well as half the guy population not to brag ;)) was personally my favorite class to date. This was largely due to the class atmosphere though and the course was pretty rigorous.

Computer science… I dont know which one you’re referring too, If CSP, then its not a hard class at all if you are good at problem solving and dedicate some time. Thats the only computer science i have first hand experience with but Iv been told CP A is not too too bad if you invest some time.

Junior year im doing physics A and computer science A at the same time. I am rather good at math though and willing to put in the work.

Alot of your question seems like things we cannot answer. The amount of time youre willing to sacrafice will reflect your grade. If youre not exceptionally interested in the classes then a better GPA with a lower level course may be a good option. Vise Versa