Junior's chances at Dartmouth, Brown, Gtown, NYU, UVA, BC

<p>I'm currently a junior at a competitive college prep school in New Jersey.</p>


<li>GPA: 4.0w (96 average on 100 scale), most challenging schedule</li>
<li>SATs: Verbal - 780, Math - 670 </li>
<li>AP Physics and AP US History, all other courses honors</li>
<li><p>AP Euro, AP Economics, AP Psych, AP English, and AP Stats next year</p></li>
<li><p>ECs: - Junior Statesmen of America - 2 years</p>

<li>Latin/Classical Club - 3 years</li>
<li>Literary Magazine - 3 years - Copyeditor, writer, photographer</li>
<li>Model United Nations - 1 year</li>
<li>FBLA - 1 year</li>
<li>Fencing - 1 year

<li>Co-founded the Holmdel Fencing Team and facilitated its entry into the US Fencing League</li>
<li>Short stories and photography published in assorted literary magazines outside school</li>
<li>Peer tutoring/instruction at an SAT-prep school (~6 hours/week, 1 year)</li>
<li>Studied cognitive psychology at Skidmore college through the CTY program</li>
<li>Organized two events for local charities -- a soccer tournament and an improv comedy night</li>
<li>200+ hours of community service</li>
<li>Model UN conference at Georgetown</li>

<p>And by next September, I plan to have accumulated ~60 credits through CLEP exams and should have some distinction in fencing.</p>

<p>What are my chances at:
- Dartmouth
- Brown
- Georgetown
- Boston College
- Emory</p>

<p>Any additional advice is more than welcome. Thanks!</p>

<p>nice ECs! you'll most likely get into Emory, BC, and UVA
depending on your new SAT score, you'd also have a good shot at Dartmouth and Brown
depending on how high they rate your Georgetown MUN, Georgetown may be a match for you as well
(just my 2c)</p>

<p>Dartmouth and Brown will need a very very good essay, then you would have a shot.</p>

<p>Boston College: good.</p>

<p>Emory: good</p>

<p>NYU: very good.</p>

<p>Georgetown: good maybe.</p>

<p>UVA: OK-Good (non-res)</p>

<p>I would apply to any of them with your stats EC's. You have a shot at all of them.</p>

<p>eh. you're still a junior. it's hard to tell without Junior grades. Georgetown likes leadership, have you had any leadership positions?</p>

<p>I thought you had to take the new SATs.</p>

<p>Manderz1, did you read anything underneath EC's? In addition to standard extracurricular club leadership, I've co-founded my town's fencing team and entered it into the national league and led and organized two charity events without any outside assistance.</p>

<p>My GPA includes the first semester of this year. And those are last year's SAT scores. The new writing section was on the PSATs this year -- I got 75.</p>

<p>lol you'll have to understand..it's hard to concentrate reading someone else's ECs</p>

<p>Hahah, don't worry about it jwlee.</p>

<p>By my performance in the classes I'm taking this year, it seems that my average will stay at about 96 for this year. Given that I'll have very good recommendations and outstanding essays next year, should I focus on improving my SATs or bringing my average up for this year?</p>

<p>Hi! My name is Brittany, and I am a CC student. I hope to be transferring to Georgetown as well.</p>


<p>Based on STATS ONLY:</p>

<p>Dartmouth: Reach
Brown: Reach
Georgetown: a slight reach
NYU: 50/50 to reach
UVA: a slight reach
Boston College: 50/50
Emory: a possible 50/50</p>

<p>Most schools are going to give you 30 credits max through examination.</p>

<p>You should consider George Washington University. It would be a safety for you, but still a good option.</p>