Juniors - Stats

<p>SAT scores and no of attempts
SAT 2 scores and subjects
GPA so far
AP 's taken so far and scores
AP's to be taken and predicted scores
Colleges planning to apply to
Dream school!</p>

<p>SAT scores- 2400, 1
SAT 2: Biology E, 800, Chemistry 800, Physics 800, Math 2 800, US History 800 (1 attempt each)
GPA so far: 4.0/4.66
APs taken so far: Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Chemistry, World History, Computer Science A, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics- All 5. Biology (canceled), so that doesn’t really count.
APs taken this year and predicted scores: US history (5), environmental science (5), english language (5), english literature (4-5), spanish language (4-5), Physics B (5), music theory (4-5), human geography (4-5), psychology (5). For the ones I said 4-5, I am leaning towards a 5, but not entirely sure.
AP’s to be taken: Biology, Physics C Mechanics, Physics C e&m, Art History, European History, Spanish Literature, US Government, Comparative Government.
Colleges planning to apply to- All Ivies, Stanford, MIT, UC Berkeley, Tufts, some safeties.
Dream- Harvard.</p>

<p>SAT I 2320 1 sitting</p>

<p>SAT II Math II 800, Physics 800 Literature 730, will take Chem and Lit again in October</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0/4.84 (quite a few college classes)</p>

<p>AP Calc B/C-5, Physics B-5, Physics C Mechanics-5, Physics C E&M-4, Stats-5</p>

<p>Will take Music Theory, Chem, Literature and maybe US History senior year. Hopefully all 5s but who knows??</p>

<p>Schools: Harvey Mudd, Princeton, Vanderbilt, U of Penn, WUSTL, Davidson, UTD, UCSD </p>

<p>maybe Harvard, Baylor, U of Rochester, and Stanford</p>

<p>No dream school. Top 4 schools are listed first and all have great attributes.</p>

<p>Well this is discouraging. Lol. I’ll play along a bit, I guess.
SAT- 2330 (number of attempts: 1)
SAT 2s: long story short, the only two that I really am counting were just taken last week so I won’t know until the end of this month. Hopefully 700+
GPA so far: 3.99/4.85 (though the weighted could go up or down by .1 by the end of this Finals Week)
APs: Euro (4) –> only one allowed for sophomores. APUSH (hopefully 5?), AP Writing (test taken was English Language and Comp… hopefully 5?) –> only academic APs allowed for Juniors (aka not including art and photo and the sciences which don’t fit with science research).
AP’s to be taken senior year and predicted scores: AP Lit (5?), AP Comparative Gov(5?), AP Latin(just started Latin last year and skipping level 4 so probably 4, hopefully 5?), AP Spanish (5?), AP Calc BC (4? 5?), AP Bio (5?)
Colleges planning to apply to: Penn, HYP, Dartmouth, Duke, Columbia, Haverford, Middlebury, Wesleyan, WUSTL, Swarthmore, UMich, William&Mary, Binghamton, Union
Dream school: Wharton (Penn)</p>

<p>Though after being on CC for a few months, I feel like I’ll end up at Community College. :(</p>

<p>SAT (2 attempts): 2360 (790 CR/800 M/770 W), 2170 (730 CR/770 M/670 W)
SAT II: 800x3 (Chem, Physics, Math 2), 780 (USH)
GPA (UW): 3.95
APs (10th): Physics B (5)
APs (11th) (predicted scores): Chem (5), Psych (5), CS A (4/5), Calc BC (5), USH (4/5), Music (5), Physics C (both) (5 Mech, 4/5 E&M), Eng Lang (5), Stats (5)
APs (12th): Japanese, Lit. Maybe self-study Econs and US Gov.</p>


<p>MIT (dream school!)
Harvey Mudd
Carnegie Mellon
Case Western
UCs - Berkeley, LA, SD, Davis, SB</p>

<p>Why is everyone here so smart? makes me depressed…</p>

<p>SAT scores-2280 followed by 2330</p>

<p>SAT 2-800’s in Math 2, Chem, Bio M, and Physics</p>

<p>GPA so far-4.0 Unweighted</p>

<p>AP 's taken so far and scores-Chem/BC-5</p>

<p>AP’s to be taken and predicted scores-5’s on Euro, USH, World, Human Geo, Eng Lang, Bio, Physics B, Physics C(both)</p>

<p>Senior year I will take Macro, Micro, US Gov, Comp Gov, Eng Lit, Psych, French, Stats, Env Sci, and Comp Sci</p>

<p>Dream School-MIT
Other schools:
Harvey Mudd

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1160541-chance-rising-senior-senior-member.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1160541-chance-rising-senior-senior-member.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


<p>I think you are awesome, seriously! I can’t imagine anyone taking 9 AP exams in one year. Whew! I’m impressed!</p>

<p>My son took 1 in 8th, 4 in 9th, 1 in 10th (a retake), and will take 3-4 in senior year. He’s just too busy to do all that studying and test taking. I know public schools allow time for the AP tests but since he’s a homeschooler/part time college student, to take that many AP exams would never work with his schedule. As it is, next year’s 3-4 AP exams will interfere with his college classes a lot.</p>

<p>At any rate, all of your stuff looks great. I am sure you’ll get into a great school!</p>



<p>I really don’t think there is a reason to be so pessimistic with your stats; moreover, the majority of the kids on cc are pretty intelligent and well-rounded students. The one thing I don’t like about cc (and I have this habit too) is that it enables vulnerability to comparing yourself. My self-esteem has already fluctuated heavily just by reading a few discussions, lol. I’m not very proud of my stats, but I’ll shoot:</p>

<p>SAT I (No Preparation Prior; unfamiliar with test format) - CR 490 M 580 W 530 (first time, plan to study over the summer to aim at around a 1900-2100)
SAT II (No Preparation Prior; unfamiliar with test format) - Predictions: Math II - 600/700 Spanish (No Listening) 700/800, Physics 500/600</p>

UW: 3.6
W: 3.7
UC GPA: 4.0
CSU GPA: 3.9</p>

<p>Class Rank: 29/590-660</p>

10th grade - 1/2 of Art History (class was cut due to lack of funding, didn’t take exam. may independently restudy senior year; undecided and unmotivated)
11th grade - Calc AB/BC (same year, took the BC exam. estimating a 4 or 5), Span Lang (3 or 4), Eng Lang (4 probably, maybe 5 if lucky)
12th grade - planning to take Physics B in a class setting (probably self-study C: Mech simultaneously), Envr Sci, Gov, Macro Econ, and Lit</p>

<p>Colleges Planning to apply to: UCSD, Berkeley, Cal Poly SLO, Cal Poly Pomona, Syracuse, Cornell, Tulane, Rice, UT Austin, PSU-University Park, LeHigh, Carnegie Mellon, Cooper Union, Pratt</p>

<p>Dream Colleges: USC for Structural Engineering/Architecture/Building Science; Cornell for Architecture/Civil Engineering</p>

<p>Neither of my parents can afford college, and I’m not very confident on getting in any of them, even my safeties. I have a few advantages like being an URM (hispanic - jew), winning first place in a regional engineering design competition, interning at UCLA for aerospace/mech engineering over the summer (2011), being a consistent varsity letterman for Track & Field and Cross Country, etc; yet with these I still feel they fail to compensate for the former. I feel like my test scores don’t accurately reflect my intelligence (not trying to sound pretentious), but I digress. I hope I didn’t down anyone with this post, but it’s just one of the many things I’m stressed about.</p>

<p>I feel like I may be the one who will end up going to a Community College. Even though it has its advantages such as cost, I’m too self-conscious since the majority of the general student public frown upon it, stereotyping it and so forth. I am probably wrong, but I am just basing my opinions off of personal observations.</p>

<p>I am personally inspired by the magnitude of motivation that envelops the students on here, it’s one of the things that compels me to do well in school. I just feel ashamed that I wasn’t on top of everything, such as studying for the SAT in the summer prior to Junior year, and taking the AP exam in Art History (I didn’t even see the point of taking it at the time, I understand now why; still kicking myself over it). </p>

<p>Regardless, I wish everyone else the best with their college endeavors; wherever life will take you.</p>