<p>Well, Im applying for either sophmore or junior (sophmore cuz i dont want the pressure first year i go) (andover, exeter, deerfield, milton, and maybe choate)</p>
<p>My ssats: 95%
My transcript grades (IB): (out of 7 (7 means like A+)) 5 sevens, 4 sixes (fluent in 2 languages)</p>
<p>Sports: basketball MIP, volleyball, track and field, rugby, and badminton but that doesnt really count;</p>
<p>Arts: Visual Arts (won best in grade)(my best asset); architecture (worked as an intern- designed houses for reconstruction of sichuan); also for a 2 year reseach task, I am designing an environmental museum that promotes environmental awareness</p>
<p>Intelligence + Interests: Scored all 90+ on cambrige aptitude test, interests including business, architecture, visual arts. </p>
<p>self evaluation of roundedness: very rounded, solid academics, sports, ardent artist.</p>
<p>community service: christina noble children foundation services, house cleaning for the elderly, crossroads international helper</p>
<p>teacher recs: great from each teacher (they all love me lol)</p>
<p>interviews: so far ive only done the milton one, and she told my friend from that school and my parents that i was very very very (3 very's!) mature for my age, and that i did a great interview. </p>
<p>Not financial aid.</p>
<p>Chances anybody? Thanks in advance, also would it be easier as sophmore or junior?</p>