just got ssat scores- chance me (thanks)

<p>Well, Im applying for either sophmore or junior (sophmore cuz i dont want the pressure first year i go) (andover, exeter, deerfield, milton, and maybe choate)</p>

<p>My ssats: 95%
My transcript grades (IB): (out of 7 (7 means like A+)) 5 sevens, 4 sixes (fluent in 2 languages)</p>

<p>Sports: basketball MIP, volleyball, track and field, rugby, and badminton but that doesnt really count;</p>

<p>Arts: Visual Arts (won best in grade)(my best asset); architecture (worked as an intern- designed houses for reconstruction of sichuan); also for a 2 year reseach task, I am designing an environmental museum that promotes environmental awareness</p>

<p>Intelligence + Interests: Scored all 90+ on cambrige aptitude test, interests including business, architecture, visual arts. </p>

<p>self evaluation of roundedness: very rounded, solid academics, sports, ardent artist.</p>

<p>community service: christina noble children foundation services, house cleaning for the elderly, crossroads international helper</p>

<p>teacher recs: great from each teacher (they all love me lol)</p>

<p>interviews: so far ive only done the milton one, and she told my friend from that school and my parents that i was very very very (3 very's!) mature for my age, and that i did a great interview. </p>

<p>Not financial aid.</p>

<p>Chances anybody? Thanks in advance, also would it be easier as sophmore or junior?</p>

<p>Resume sounds pretty good, especially the whole architecture thing. I would add Choate to your list, if you think you’ll be able to interview. Your SSAT’s are fine (Andover’s average is about 94%). With these top schools however you could be the perfect candidate and not get in, but I would say you have a good chance. </p>

<p>Good luck and schedule your interviews soon! A lot of schools are running out of slots quick.</p>

<p>bump it up, I aced my other interviews, but i would say i did an OK job on essays. I had a limited amount of time, (vacation!)</p>

<p>Instead of going on vacation to the Maldives, I opted to stay home and finish the essay. I missed a lot of relaxation time. :frowning: Hope the vacation was worth it though. Where’d you go?</p>

<p>i went to guam and japan. It really got my head out of stress from academics. It was well worth it.</p>

<p>im a tiger</p>

<p>um… cool?</p>

<p>lol i really needed to know that… please dont spam my thread</p>

<p>you sound like a great candidate for top notch schools. however, dont get your hopes up too much… plenty of great kids get rejected at these schools.
last year i was waitlisted at several great ones and i had an outstanding reseme… if you dont get in, apply again next year. (that’s what im doing this year!! haha)</p>

<p>are u japanese?</p>

<p>naw im not, what made you think i was?</p>

<p>Oh the architecture, that’ll make your app. stand out for sure. SSAT scores are fine. Grades are average. ECs look fine. They’ll like all of your community service. I’d say you have a good chance, good luck. :)</p>

<p>aiite thanks man, but i just want to make clear that my grades are not JUST average. It is extremely difficult to get a 7. Currently im taking MYP, but if i get those grades in the IB, then i can get into top US/UK universities. Just to make clear lol. </p>

<p>thanks, Peace out</p>

<p>Grades aren’t the be-all-and-end-all of school or college apps. They won’t hurt you, but they alone won’t get you into top colleges. Just thought you should know.</p>

<p>Is your composite SSAT score based on applying for sophomore or junior standing? It can make a significant difference in your SSAT score. When you took the SSAT exam did you write that you were applying for the 10th or for the 11th grade?</p>

<p>junior year.</p>

<p>TomtheCat- yeah i understand. Im just saying… </p>
