Just realized I messed up on my UC essay

So, I just realized that I accidentally entered some information incorrectly when applying to UCs. There was a class I took with BYU independent study but instead of reporting it as a class I took under BYU, I added it as a class I took in my regular school. The grade that I said I got is correct and the course I took was UC approved but I just forgot to list it as a course I took in another school. What should I do and how much worse are my odds of getting in?

Literally made an account to ask this lol.

Bro you’re fine done freak out, this mistake is definitely not affecting your chances of getting in, at most just email admissions officer explain what you just typed and wait till they get back to you. But it definitely wont negatively affect your application

I made a couple mistakes on my applications as well, just email or call the undergraduate admissions office.

Thanks for your replies. Are you sure they wouldn’t see it as deception? Idk what I’d be trying to deceive them of but I’m not sure how they’d react to an incorrectly reported transcript.

What is a better option? If you correct an error, how can it be deception?

You took a class and received credit and a grade for it. It’s obviously an error. Call and straighten it out, but do not sweat this one small error.

All right I’ll call them and sort this out. Thanks for all of you that replied. I really appreciate it.