Just received May score

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>I just got my May SAT score, which came out to be 1970, which is lower than my March score, 2100.
I was actually shooting for above 2200+, and I have know idea what happened because I actually felt much more confident than I did after the March test.
Is this score going to affect my college chances by a lot?
If I take another one and get a higher score(say above 2200), would it nullify this score?
And also, do you have any tips on studying for it?
I actually received lower scores on all three sections, which is basically killing me psychologically at the moment.
Any help guys?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>we're in the same situation here. i was expecting a high score for writing,but it turned out be to extremely low. i suspect that something went wrong in the grading >.<</p>

<p>I think 2100 is a great score and I think you'd be better off spending your time on something else. </p>

<p>Even if you're trying for a very hard school, that SAT score is enough to get them to look at your whole application.</p>

<p>I think to many people get panicked from reading about ultra-overachievers on here and have a warped idea of what a good SAT score is, because that is well-within the advanced range. </p>

<p>You will probably have a very hard time raising it much higher.</p>

<p>My SAT score is very, very bad, 1400+!!! I didnt expect to get that low.
English is not the first language in my coutry, so it's harder for us to get high scores for SAT. Is there any chance for me to get into top-notch US university, and I have to compete with others who scored 2000+?? Or just should retake the exam??</p>

<p>First, the good news: school year is over!!!
After torturing me for an extra week, the CB finally released my scores. No explanation for the delay.
Well, here they are:
Math - 710
CR - 620
W - 600
Not bad but not good enough for the Vandy. So now I have to take the June SAT.</p>

<p>still no scores as of this morning!!! should i be worried? now they're saying june 6!</p>

<p>lol that is unfortunate. I missed 10 total writing..... GAHHHHHHHHH. Thats very low to me. And I got a freaking 600. that curve is absolutely horrible.</p>

<p>Dude, that sucks...</p>

<p>lol i know....</p>