Just smile and nod...smile and nod

<p>someone asked me where my daughter was going to college and I told him Whitman. He said, “Well, tell her it’s more important what she does in college than where she is going.”</p>

<p>I agree, QM wins.</p>

<p>Family in Texas: So where did he decide to go?
Me: Carleton.
Family in Texas: <em>chirping crickets</em>
Me: It’s in Minnesota.
Family: Does he know how cold it gets up there in the winter???
Me: No, but he knows how hot it gets in Texas, and he’s tired of it.</p>

<p>The other variation is that people think I’m saying “Tarleton,” the name of a state school that specializes in ag studies, I think.</p>

<p>Oh, and wanted to add that if pressed about the place, I tell them it’s a small liberal arts college, and then they ask me what’s so great about a liberal arts college, what’s that mean, etc.</p>



<p>How about: “It’s a polytechnic school near Harvard”</p>

<p>Seriously, very few kids at S’ high school have heard of MIT so he’s getting mostly blank stares or bland polite smiles. He feels let down to get so little recognition.</p>

<p>The college choice doesn’t get too many comments (except perhaps “didn’t she get any out-of-state scholarships?” – which she did). But the fact that she’s majoring in “music” (music ed) gets comments like 'oh, music, eh? Taking the easy way out…". or “doesn’t she like academic subjects?” or… “That’s what some kids have to do if they aren’t good in math and science.” In some ways a music ed program closely parallels the requirements of engineering and music students are known to be successful in medical school. The audition process just to get accepted to a good music school is expensive, time-consuming and exhausting. Due to AP credits D will enter as a sophomore (or very close) and is in the top 1 or 2% of her very competitive graduating class. Most people don’t have a clue.</p>

<p>you tell the questioner the name of the school</p>

<p>questioner pauses a moment and then says</p>

<p>“well, it’s really where you go to grad school that counts…”</p>

<p>Yes, most people really don’t have a clue about ANYTHING, but think they do.</p>

<p>QM - you get 1st place for that comment! So many people need to think before they open their mouths.</p>

<p>austinmtmom - you are in the same boat that we are because everyone thinks NYU is the only school for MT. I believe your D and mine are going to have wonderful experiences and grow tremendously as performers with the choices they have made for college!</p>

<p>my new favorite thread to subscribe to…</p>

<p>and, yes, so far, QM is in the lead…</p>

<p>My daughter is only a junior and we are already getting comments like, “You’re looking where to send _____? Are you crazy”?</p>

<p>can’t wait till she decides…haha</p>


<p>Love the <em>chirping crickets</em></p>

<p>rodney - we have had comments just like yours for the past couple of years. D is at a very good public hs in SoCal that sends kids to the Ivies and top LAC’s every year. D is a wonderul student in top 10% of her class, but her passion is musical theatre. Since the musical theatre programs are by audition only and most schools accept less than 10% they are very selective, but not necessarily schools most people have hear of. When we told people where she was applying to college they looked at us like we were crazy!</p>

<p>My D is going to Delaware to major in Material Culture Preservation. Which is the dream of her life. She’s heard so many variations of “is that like dry cleaning?” that she practiced in front of the mirror “no, it is the science of preserving art and antiquities for posterity.”</p>

<p>While she may not be majoring in dry cleaning, I wouldn’t mind a minor in laundry!</p>

<p>D attends Wellesley. I’ve heard:</p>

<pre><code> Never heard of it.

Where’s that?

Is it still all female? Why would she pick an all-girls school?

Don’t they have a lot of lesbians there? She needs to be careful . . .

Maybe she can meet a guy from Harvard or MIT



<p>LOL! Good one!</p>

<p>This is a great thread! I vote for QM in first place, with so many other close seconds…</p>

<p>zoosermom, S is running into a similar response when he tells people he is majoring in landscape architecture: “You’re going to go to college for four years to mow lawns for a living?” He just replies that he wants to learn to do it very, very well.</p>

<p>SWDad/ Pea- great school! I know where it is :)</p>

<p>QM, that is pretty incredible. I would say “yes, that’s one thing she’d like to learn in college.”</p>

<p>This is a great thread. I’m another mom in a small town where most people don’t send their kids very far away if at all for college. When I mention where my junior S is looking at schools, I’ve also had the “how could you send your son so far away” reactions.</p>

<p>How come, other than a few people on CC, no one ever asks me where my kids go to college?</p>

<p>“Don’t they have a lot of lesbians there? She needs to be careful . . .”</p>

<p>Also a “great” one.</p>