Just smile and nod...smile and nod

<p>LOVE this thread!</p>

<p>I think the S who is going to Tulane wins so far… LOL! (Wish I had thought of that when my D got into UConn -because I heard the same comment!)</p>

<p>Regarding all the geographic ignorance about Wash U…that’s why the college and the medical school added “in St. Louis” to their name. People just don’t know what a gem it is (or where it is!).</p>

<p>Person I work with: My D is looking for some more in-state schools to apply to.
Me: How about ECU? S2 really likes it there.
Person I work with: My D would never go there. You know it’s the STD capital of the state.</p>

<p>what??? who says that about your kid’s college? And this from a person whose h.s. D couldn’t even go to the prom because 21 is the age limit and her boyfriend is too old.</p>



<p>Believe it or not, I have actually heard this one before about a college in VA… it was referred to as “STDU”.</p>

<p>DougBetsy- Can you go back and add a warning to the title of this thread " Do Not read
while drinking coffee" ? Really, some of these are so funny.</p>


insert Smith for Bryn Mawr and I get the same reaction…or, better yet, “did you know there are lesbians there?”…no!</p>

<p>“Ah, and where is Pittsburgh?”…</p>

<p>and I thought New Yorkers were the “east coast centric” kings…</p>

<p>this one is , honestly, scary…imo</p>



<p>We were living in Phoenix when D was headed to Northwestern. More than one person asked - “is that in Seattle?” (That is the Northwest after all!)</p>

<p>I too love this thread. I have no great stories but wanted to comment to Inthebiz that Northwestern was named that because when it was established it was in the northwestern US.</p>

<p>I’d been to Pittsburgh once before my son decided on CMU, but even I was shocked the first time we drove there, that it’s practically in Ohio.</p>

<p>From the Ohio border it is more than a 1 hour drive to Pittsburgh, and longer to the UPitt campus. There are many large US cities within a 1 hour drive to the border of another state.</p>

<p>I agree QM is the winner but Catbird is a close second…great thread!</p>

<p>You are all making me feel so much better!</p>

<p>My mother told my S, who will be attending Macalester, that none of her friends have heard of Mac, so she just tells them he is at Harvard. That way she can save face and no one will ever really know anyway.</p>

<p>Cecil–that’s awful. I think he should buy her a Mac sticker for her car and a Mac T-shirt/sweatshirt for Christmas.</p>

<p>wow, cecil. That’s just wrong on so many levels.</p>

<p>I smile and nod at co-workers (who have very small children) when they insist they would NEVER pay “that kind of money” for college. Uh huh…see me in 15 years…</p>

<p>The undergrad division of SUNY Binghampton is called “Harpur College”
Back in the old days I new someone’s mother who when asked where her son was going to college would say “Harpur” and she’d say it quickly and mumble it a bit.</p>

<p>The result of this was (in her mind anyway).

  1. People might misunderstand her and think she said “Harvard”
  2. Even if they heard her, they might think her son is going to some private school instead of the (top-ranked that she should have been proud of) SUNY.</p>

<p>We were surprised by the reaction some have had to our current high school senior who will be attending Notre Dame. “Great, Notre Dame, bet your brothers are jealous”. Reply, “Well, UPenn and Hopkins are actually pretty good schools too!”</p>

<p>pmartin - THAT is a GREAT idea! Wish I had thought of the sweatshirt in time for Mother’s day! I am going to their website right now.</p>

<p>We are oos and my son will be a freshman next fall at Ohio State which 9/10times elicits the query “So are you going to go out for the football team?” Another one I like is the wrinkled nose and “Oh that’s a state school” response. Very amusing since DS is one of the top students at a highly competitive hs and had his pick of schools. He fell in love with OSU and that was that.</p>

<p>That being said “Go Bucks!”</p>

<p>^^cecil: my mom lives in an area where the grandparents do the same thing…she has come not to believe 50% of anything anybody says about their grandchildren…</p>

<p>I LOVE the idea if the sweatshirt and car sticker…</p>