Just want to get an idea of what my chances are to get into each UC at this point

So I plan to apply to every UC School. My parents have told me that they want me to and will pay all the application fees. I’m only applying to 3 other schools that are not UC. (SDSU, Northern Arizona and U of A) I will list my stats and what I think my chances are of getting into the UC Schools. I just want to know if I’m being realistic or not because I don’t want to have any nasty surprises this time next year. I would appreciate advice. I’m aware I lack EC’s but I’m not sure how much that will hurt me.

I am a white male. California Resident. My parents don’t tell me how much they make but I would guess It’s about $150,000-$200,000 a year.
GPA (I’m going to give a range of what I think my possible GPA’s will be. I have two borderline grades that could change the GPA either way.)
Overall High School GPA: (4.03-4.08)
UW GPA:3.75-3.79
Capped UC GPA: (4.14-4.23)
Class Rank:16 out of 414.

SAT Score:1870 (690 Math, 560 Reading, 620 Writing) Plan to take again in October to try and get 1900+.

EC’s:50 community service hours. Plan to be at 100 by time I apply. Plan to work at my dad’s law firm this Summer. Not really anything special or notable.

I have gotten A’s in every AP Class I have taken: AP Euro, AP US, AP English Language, AP Chemistry, AP Calculus (AB).

I plan to take AP English Literature, AP Calculus (BC), AP Statistics and AP Economics Senior Year.

I think I have very little chance at UCLA and UCB. (I guess its not impossible but I’m expecting the worst hoping for the best with these. But I’m not expecting to get in, just hoping to maybe get lucky.)

I think I have somewhat of a shot at UCSD, but not a great one. (Honestly I would rather go to UCSB or UCD anyways because I’m from San Diego and want to be a little further away from home than this. But still would consider going because it is a great school.)

I think I have a decent shot at UCI, UCSB, UCD (I think there is a good chance at least one of them accepts me, but I prefer Davis. But I would be very happy with any of these 3)

I think I have a good shot at UCSC and UC Riverside (I would much prefer Santa Cruz to Riverside)

I think I have a really good shot at UCM (By far my last choice though.)

I just want to know If I’m off on my chances for any of these? Thanks.

UCI/UCSB/UCD: High Match (if SAT is 1900+) Low Reach if <1900)
UCSD: Low Reach

Spend time on your essays and many of the Reach schools could become Match schools. NAU will definitely be a Safety since they are part of WUE and are comparable in price to the Cal States. SDSU/UofA are also good match schools. It looks like you have a well balanced list of schools. Good luck and work on that SAT. Intended major will make a difference for many of these schools.

What major?
FYI, Davis was hard to get into this year at least. My kid with a 35 ACT, 2100-somehting SAT, UW 3.88/ UC 4.03 GPA (and already ap scholar with distinction by senior year) got into UCSD and UCSC, rejected at Berkeley, and wait listed at Davis. This was for bio majors. And I saw/heard a lot of stories like that here on CC and from her friends… people who thought they had the stats to get into Davis/San Diego getting wait listed or rejected.

Anyway… just wanted to throw that out there. See what you can do with that SAT score. Good luck.

^^^Agree. You have a pretty realistic expectation and some good safeties. Good luck!

@Washurgrad Economics or Political Science. I want to go to law school so my major choice is really just something that I think I would be good at and have somewhat of an interest in. Are those impacted majors or no?


Your gpa is not excellent, bad, or good… its “OK” (By UCLA UCB and UCSD standards only!!!)
SAT could definitly improve (If you can, 2000+)
Where are your EC’s? Is the community service the only form of outside school activity you have? If so, then you are not looking too good at the high tier schools (especially Berkeley since they place an emphasis on “general” achievement as compared to UCLA’s academic achievement)
Any Awards that you won? (Nothing too major, just regionals would do more than enough)
Your course rigor definitely is rigorous.

UCLA-UCB-UCSD (Reach-Low Reach)
UCSB-UCI-UCD (High Match-Low Reach)
UCSC-UCM-UCR (Match-Safety)

Good luck for us this applications season!!!

I’ll try for 2000+ but 1900+ would be good and 1950+ would be the best I can realistically see myself doing. (Just because I’m so horrible at the CR section that I don’t know if I can get it too much higher than 600.) I’m not really expecting to get into UCLA or UCB and if I do I will probably have a heart attack anyways. EC’s are definitely my weakness. I really don’t like being around people (That aren’t like my close friends) and have never tried any kind of EC that I didn’t absolutely despise. Obviously that’s something I have to work on in my life but I knew me being in any kind of leadership position for anything was not realistic for my personality.

I know it has been awhile since I posted this thread but I thought I would give some updates.

I will be working for a family law firm this summer.
I will be attending a JSA Summer Program and UC Davis this Summer.
I will continue to do community service to get my total to 100 hours this Summer at the Food and Clothes Closet I volunteered at last Summer.
I recently took an SAT Practice test out of the Blue Book the other week and scored 1960. (580 Reading, 720 Math, 660 Writing. There is some variation on my writing score because I gave myself an 8 on the essay. (Which I got on my SAT so I feel like that’s a realistic score for me) My goal is to try and get 2000+ now.

My UC GPA looks like it will be a 4.18 by the time I apply to colleges. It isn’t completely set in stone yet but I’m pretty sure my grades this semester aren’t going to move before grading closes.

I’m just wondering if any of that is significant enough to increase my chances at some of the middle tier schools by any significant amount (Namely UCSB and UCD because those are my top 2 realistic choices)

The majors I’m looking at are either Political Science or some form of an Economics major. I’m pretty sure I would like to eventually go to Law School.

You are qualified applicant for UCD and UCSB. Still think both are High Matches especially since this year UC admissions have been pretty tough but you have a decent chance. Good Luck

I heard it was tough because of the budget issues. (Which caused a lot of people to get Wait Listed who would otherwise have gotten in) Will they be not as bad next year if they resolve the budget issues?

The proposal has not passed yet but it does not address if the UC’s will increase enrollment other than they are freezing tuition rates for 2 years for in-state students and plan on increasing OOS tuition 8%. Having gone through UC admissions with both my son’s and niece these past 3 years, I am finding it increasingly more competitive for each sucessive year. Your stats are competitive, but sometimes the UC’s are difficult to predict. Make sure you have some solid safeties and matches on your list and hope for the best.

@Gumbymom Alright. I’m just hoping that chances are that ONE of Irvine, Santa Barbara or Davis will accept me. I would be completely happy with any of those schools. Santa Cruz and Riverside are going to be my Regular Matches and University of Arizona and NAU are my safeties.