JV golf?

<p>i've been on the jv golf team for two years. i'm in my junior year and there's about a 50% chance that i'll get on to the varsity team this spring. i have other things in my extra curriculars, and right now golf looks the worst. i'm interested in applying to columbia, nyu, and johns hopkins next year when i'm a senior. would having jv golf look worse to them than not putting the sport down for an extra curricular at all? cause i feel like leaving it off my app would look better than just putting jv down, when i'm competing with other people who have something like four years of varsity. </p>

<p>is it even worth trying out in the spring?</p>

<p>Definitely put JV golf. it'd be a bad move NOT to put any EC that you have.
Doing JV golf showed that you were willing to participate in social events (sports). Colleges will know it took up some of your study time at home, but you still went through with it. Doing it for two years so far means you're dedicated to golf as well. Making Varsity would help, but it won't be the make it or break it of your app. If you enjoy golf, continue with it and be confident in putting it on your App as an EC. Good luck!</p>