<p>I am taking the June2 SAT ii Sat in physics. I am presently revising from two books:
The kaplan SAT II physics 2007-2008 edition
and the Barrons's Physics 9th edition
Something that is cleraly different between both of them is that Barron's rushes through everything and goes on talking about stuff not even mentioned in the other book and talks less about stuff that is present in majority in the other book.
<p>kaplan sucks from what ive seen, but some people like it</p>
<p>Kaplan for the SAT reasoning test, barrons for the subject tests</p>
<p>I agree. I hate Kaplan with a passion greater than the fire of a thousand suns.</p>
<p>many people say princeton review is VERY thorough for Sat physics. you should check reviews on amazon.com for more info</p>