<p>Anyone who has taken the USH SATII and used the Kaplan review book, how do the practice tests relate? I could REALLLY use some opinions, thanks!</p>


<p>If someone can answer my question, please just ease my mind</p>

<p>First tell me what bump means and Then i'll answer question!</p>

<p>I took the test in January and got a 790 ! Basically, all I did to prep was like: reading through REA'S AP USH Prep Book [which by the way is really good]...SAT 2 is not that bad for ush</p>

<p>Bump means the person wants the thread to show up as recently having a reply. They think having it towards the top of the page will make people want to reply to it.</p>

<p>It DOES make people want to reply. Thanks for responding, but I am really wondering what someone got on the Kaplan USH SATII practice tests, and then what they got on the actual SATII...</p>