<p>How did you guys do on these tests vs. actual?</p>
<p>650ish twice on Kaplan tests, 710 on real thing. Real thing is relatively easier than that dictates, though, imo, I just didn't have a good day.</p>
<p>really? i was freaking out.. but i still need more study... must have no life for just a couple more days... cant wait till satiis aps and sats are overrrrr
gahhh they take over my lifeeeeee</p>
<p>same..I'm not liking how the Kaplan book smells and the tiny font =/
REA is better..</p>
<p>barons is not too interesting itself.</p>
<p>Really? That high? Sweetness. I got a 720 on the practice test w/no review...and now I know a ton more. hopes an 800? ;)</p>