<p>zante, quit butting in buddy..</p>
<p>hahahah you're the kid who kept IMing me a week ago and asking about my sister's Olympian friends! Whadduya know....</p>
<p>zant? "but in"? what?....haha, she has the right of passage on this board for having 2,000+ plosts.</p>
<p>Just a little diversion: my sis asked if you project/trace from photos etc. before using colors or do you just sketch your paintings freehand?</p>
<p>Okay, continue with your suitors....</p>
<p>mercurysquad, that question can wait, alright? I need to talk to kebs.</p>
<p>I may not answer that in light of that last comment, mercury...</p>
<p>but anyway, no, I don't. I do have to do the larger landscapes in the studio from on-site watercolor sketches and photographs, but I draw them freehand.</p>
<p>Calcboy.....do us a favor and drop it. Seriously. It stopped being funny a while ago...</p>
<p>Kebs, I dont know what you are talking about the kid that imed you last week. my name is jake and i just learned of you (kebs) on december 1st. if you wanna chat some time, log on, cus i havent seen you on..</p>
<p>ok....JIC, what's your IM screen name?</p>
<p>Aight thanks. She sucks at freehand sketching so she won't believe it can be done without projecting or tracing hahaha. I suck at painting tho. :cool:</p>
<p>then you'd do some great collaborations, then...</p>
<p>i dont really want all the princeton ed'ers to see. if you log on, i will im you asap</p>
<p>Sorry..., but now I've got a ton of homework (CC is my homepage so I can't get online without posting). If I get on AIM I won't do anything for an hour at least, guaranteed.</p>
<p>Sorry about that other post.....there was a boy (obsessed with calculus, I might add) who IMed me last week and said he was applying ED....and he was a Phelps fan. So I thought the coincidence was too strange. Ahh well, strange things happen.</p>
<p>I admire Phelps but i am not really a fan. I just looked at your postings from a couple days back and it said ur sister was a swimmer and you went to nationals, etc. so i thought you might have met michael phelps. i do like calculus, but i am not obsessed. if you really want to know my sn is jake2thafire. aight kebs, see u later.</p>
<p>Haha, ok. Alright.</p>
<p>I may take a hiatus from CC for awhile....I have a bunch of things to do this week. I'll be on occasionally, but I'll <em>try</em> not spend too much time on it. It really is addicting.</p>
<p>no Kebree, you can't be absent during the critical last days!</p>
<p>zante, do you even know kebree?</p>
<p>we all know each other! whee! hahaha at least we would like to think so =P</p>
<p>shrek, i dont know you but i feel like ive known you all my life</p>
<p>oh? haha thats nice. did u just join cc recently? nice ta meet ya :D</p>
<p>yeah december 1st</p>
<p>dude, calculusboy, i'm getting the impression that you're trying too hard to fit the mold. Just tone it down just a bit and you'll be fine.</p>