
<p>haha yea calculusboy is a little obsessed</p>

<p>just a tad. a tad too much.</p>

<p><em>waves to Kebree</em> If you have the willpower to stay away from here, I commend you. I'm already dreading Thursday...</p>

<p>seriously, what to do about calculusboy... jesus, where are the big guns like ilcapo when u need em</p>

<p>Are these legal? <em>points to huge biceps</em></p>


<p>lol to put those kids in shape? haha</p>

<p>well i meant big guns in terms of 'big talk'... obviously my massive 21" biceps (exaggerating of course, but im not weakling) cant do much online</p>

<p>hey guys, sorry im late....i've been sick lately so i haven't been on CC as much as I usually am....but as soon as I come back, what do i find???? uh uh....i don't know where u come from calculusBOY, but round here, MEN don't go round stalking other mens'....friend(s)/acquaintance(s)....back off, pal...Kebree deserves some rest. And even though I may have feelings for her too, I'm going to respect her decision and wait for her to come around. Now you behave yourself, or I'll have to challenge you to a duel....I'm the best shot in the west, so if ANYONE offends the honor of Kebree, they'll have to answer to ME.</p>

<p>wow...the weirdos of CC :D</p>

<p>shrek i'm sorry i'm not letting you defeat me in posts just yet...i already let phil go past</p>

<p>lol I want both of you to be senior members tonight! Postpostpost~</p>

<p>oooh I wanna see a duel!</p>

<p>that would be nice to be a senior member! bah but i have yet to read 4 acts of othello :(</p>

<p>ooh man, good luck with the othello, shrek! and get well soon, slimlic! (eat lots of chocolate - always makes me feel better when I'm sick)</p>

<p>this is a funny thread :p</p>

<p>We're all a little delirious I think. </p>

<p>On a good note, I've heard a lot of interviewers say that pton will try to mail stuff out this friday! This friday?! ahhh</p>

<p>i agree zante, ahhhh!!!</p>

<p>haha yea done with othello :D zant BAH! and ur in NY u will find out by like monday! AHH!!!!!</p>

<p>i agree sherek, AAHHHHH!!!! (Kebree rox my sox)</p>

<p>Kebs, if you see this I want you to know that I will do everything possible to win that duel.</p>

<p>this calculus boi gets more awkward w/ each post
calcboy: calmados with the rucas, man</p>