Keep the Miami Thread Alive...

<p>Hey all-
I am going to be gone the month of July (don't all weep at once-LOL) and I may not have too much opportunity to surf the net, so...
These various discussion threads fall off to archives if there is no post in 30 days. Those of us that have been answering the majority of questions will go crazy if we have to repeat ourselves this fall when the "hunt" starts up again. I am wondering if you can help and bump the valuable discussions in the next couple days so that they make it through until August and I'll pick up duties once again then.</p>

<p>Thanks! :)</p>

<p>will do. I hope some others write in as well as I'm interested in hearing more about the school.</p>

<p>Believers: Next time, have one of your neighborhood 12 year old computer genuises write you a "bot" that automatically inserts a bump message for any of your selected favorite threads when it nears the 30 day threshold.</p>