<p>I'd like to stay in shape and keep off the freshman 15. Where are good places to run around Washington Square/NYU area? I prefer outside to treadmills because treadmills just feel...weird. Also is it safe to run in these areas at night?</p>
<p>popular route is by the hudson river, and if you're good run south and get to the statue of liberty! do it everyday, and freshman 15 will not happen to you</p>
<p>there are plenty of people who just run around washington square park, but they do it pretty early in teh morning before it gets crowded.</p>
<p>Gonna be harder in NYC where you're not a slave to dorm meals or delivery...ummmm tasty food from all over the world...hundreds...within blocks. I was thinking if I got U hall or Third north at least I'd do some walking, but I'm in Hayden, and I hate to excercise for excercise sake...any straight guys go to the gyms????? that might get me there</p>
<p>I had the Freshman -10. It's not hard to avoid gaining weight if you watch what you eat. Also, just the fact that you'll end up walking to everywhere within a 10-15 block radius may help you keep any stray pounds off.</p>
<p>I felt myself gaining a little bit of weight, but I really quickly got it under control. I think the major reason for the freshman fifteen is because your eating schedule will turn upside down- there are so many nights where I was still up at 2 am with a group of people and since we were all awake, we would get hungry and order a pizza or something. Or I would come right back from work at midnight and get food. That's where the weight gain came from for me- eating so late in the night.</p>
<p>AKA "4th meal"</p>
<p>Make your own meals. Eating out can be very fattening not to mention expensive too! As others have said, don't eat too late. And if you do, when try not to snack on something like pizza or chips and opt for fruits instead. </p>
<p>Some people may over look this, but don't go to college looking to partay all night, every night. Alcohol makes you gain weight like mad. One light beer is about 100 calories so if you have like 3 or 4 a night those calories are going to add up over time. Vodka is even worse. I think it's about 500 per cup.</p>
<p>something tells me i'm not going to even listen to my own advice lol.</p>
<p>I don't drink, so I'll follow it. ;p</p>
<p>I kind of lost weight because I got tired of the dining hall food XD</p>
<p>munchies=weight gain</p>
<p>Well there are pros and cons to NYU in particular - </p>
<p>pros are that you'll be walking around a lot in your daily life, and if you are in CAS you can take the stairs in your building - that will be enough!</p>
<p>cons are that it's so hard to find food that isn't bad for you (apart from trader joes, whole foods, etc) but also it's so hard to have a regular eating schedule and even to have time to prepare your own meals depending what you're studying.</p>
<p>NYU has a pretty decent gym and as has been mentioned, people run by the river. i've also seen people run in the wash sq park area in the early morning, but i wouldn't do it any other time really - in the day it'll be very busy with students and at night it's safe enough but you might run into a dodgy character or two, particularly if you actually go through the park (not a good idea, especially the corner by hayden where the chess players are). also people run at central park but it's very far away.</p>